I've been coasting at this parenting the last few months but now I'm facing this transition and it brings back memories of transitioning from RNP to crib, from swaddle sack to arms-free, from EBF to formula. . . . aaaaah

My little girl just turned one. We're on our last can of formula and her 12 mo check up is in a week and a half. I don't really want to buy more formula, but I had been thinking I wouldn't transition until I had the ped's advice.

Am I overthinking this? I don't know where to start. Do I put whole milk in bottles? A mixture? Or transition her by giving her formula in sippy cups?

Right now she's on the small side, but healthy. She gets a bottle at wake up, a couple during the day after meals, and a night time bottle. Sometimes she eats a lot at meals, sometimes she pushes food around on her tray. I guess I'm scared that somehow I'm going to starve her/not give her enough food to make up for not getting formula anymore.

I'm sure this is just classic FTM overthinking, and I learned lots of lessons from the Hive with other transitions, so I want to hear from you if you want to share - when did you transition your LO from bottle to cup? From formula to milk? Any secrets to your success or must have baby gear that helped?

Thanks for helping this anxious mama out