Since I'm home for the summer and we've ended night feedings for LO (5.5mo), I have been able to add a lot to my freezer stash. I've been freezing in mostly 6oz portions with some 2 or 3oz portions. LO currently drinks 6oz per serving, and feeds 5 times a day (either breast or bottle)

I figure as his solids intakes increase and as he drops down to 2 naps, his feedings will decrease as in less times or less ounces. I'm wondering if I should be freezing in smaller portions to accommodate this. Also, I'm planning to daytime-pump-wean at 10 months for work purposes, but hopefully have a big enough stash to tide us over until 12 months.

What did your LO's breastmilk intake look like from 6-12 months? How did it change over time?

I will be almost exclusively pumping during that time due to work and schedules.