We went away this past weekend with LO for about 4 nights. We were with another couple, and so we had planned dinners out for all the nights. I had assumed that if we did an early dinner at 6ish (LO's bedtime is 7ish), he would be able to handle staying up a little past bedtime without melting down. He's 4 months old.

BOY WAS I WRONG! He ended up crying through dinner the first night, so DH or I had to hold him and walk around the restaurant while the other sat and ate. The other two nights, I ate in our room with him while DH had dinner with our friends. Not exactly how we planned it!

So how do you handle dinners when on vacation with LO? Do you just always eat in your room with LO sleeping? Do you go out SUPER early (like 5pm) to keep Lo's bedtime consistent? We had been considering going on a vacation to Europe with LO later this year, but after this weekend I don't see how it would be possible to do that without staying in our room every day from 6pm onwards. Does it just get better as they get older?