I have a 5 week old that is exclusively breastfed, but it seems like she will eat and eat and eat constantly. Never seems to really indicate that she's finished on one side. The doctor recommended 15 minutes, then offer the other side for 15 minutes. She never pops herself off, I always have to pull her off after I decide that it's been long enough, but now I'm concerned that she's not getting the hind milk?
I attempted to pump just with a manual this morning because I was worried that maybe I'm not producing enough and was able to get 1.5 oz in just over 5 minutes... so assuming she's more efficient than the pump - and the LC that I saw early on said she had a good latch and I can see her jaw pumping and hear her swallowing - she should be getting plenty right?

Anybody have any experience with a baby who really just likes to stay on?