pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Corduroy: That's great! We have shorter hours but our tuition is staying the same. I'm just glad they didn't increase it!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
So today was the first day back at daycare for my 3.5 year old. Drop off was a disaster. He cried so hard and the teacher had to peel him off of me. Hopefully his day got better but it was so hard to see him so upset!
nectarine / 2690 posts
So, my daycare has been open the entire time, and my dh and I are "essential workers" apparently, so 4 y/o DD has been going (part time) throughout the pandemic.
Things have changed as time has gone on. The teachers & staff all wear masks (that started in May, around the time the stay at home order lifted). Parents aren't allowed past the lobby and they have hand sanitizer to use before signing your child in. We (parents/guardians) have to wear a mask while inside. Kids get their temperature checked before they go back to their classrooms, and they immediately wash their hands upon arrival (which they've always done, but they're making sure the kids are washing for 20 seconds, etc).
I do have to say, since all the new procedures have gone into effect, DD hasn't been sick at all. No sniffles, nothing. And she's had the daycare runny nose since starting, so, I'm happy that that's gone LOL There are less kids going than there were before also, so, enrollment is down a bit.
pomelo / 5573 posts
Our kids are supposed to start on the 13th, but the closer it gets the more torn I am. My older son's daycare is in a school. We still don't have the policies they've put into place to ensure safety. We've been told that they've only got about 8 kids going - 2 he knows, the rest he doesn't. It also won't be any of his usual teachers, and the school doesn't have air conditioning. He doesn't want to go.
My younger son very badly wants to go back, but enrollment at his school is also way down and the kids he's excited about seeing won't be there. His daycare does have air conditoning (it's 100 degrees today, so this is a factor) and we've seen their policies and I feel ok about them.
We don't really /have/ to send them back - our jobs have been pretty flexible, and while it's getting increasingly complicated to do the half time work half time parenting it's feasible. I feel like a terrible parent becuase we don't have to send them back but we are, especially when so many other kids are staying home. I also feel so bad about sending my older son to an unfamiliar situation - he's a lot more sensitive and shy and I don't know how well he'll handle it. Also I really enjoy having them home and getting to spend so much time with them! I just don't know what to do. I think technically I can still change my mind and say we're not sending them, but my little guy would be disappointed, he keeps asking when he gets to go back (further complicating that situation is that he'll be done there at the end of the summer either way when he starts school, so if he doesn't go back now he won't get a chance to see the people again at all). I won't send one but not the other. I probaby /could/ send my older son to the daycare with my younger son. I don't know what to do!
kiwi / 680 posts
My son has been back at daycare/preschool since the end of April. At his regular preschool they all wore masks and wouldn't let us in the classroom at drop off. They took my son's temperatures at arrival. There were only 4 children in his class. His regular preschool ended June 10th for the summer, and then we put him in a summer preschool program at another place. The summer preschool runs a tight ship. They have designated parking spots in front of the preschool gate. They take my son's temperature and then whisk him away to the preschool. We're not allowed on the school grounds at all. There are 10 children in his class. All the staff wear masks/glove, and there is plenty of hand washing. We also haven't gotten sick since the first lock down in March. It could be coincidental as cold/flu season was ending, but maybe not. This is the longest I've gone without being sick since he was born. He's 2 years old. I was definitely nervous at first, but so far it has been fine. I am mostly concerned about what will happen when October rolls around and we also have flu/cold season in addition to covid.
blogger / nectarine / 2043 posts
@erinbaderin: You weren't asking for advice so for whatever this is worth - I wouldn't send them if you have any hesitation and if it's not completely necessary. This is something I've processed with my daughter about sending her to camp. I generally trusted the camp setup (mostly outside, small groups, etc.) but something kept making me hesitant. And then I kept thinking that if I don't have to do it, especially with cases going up, then I probably shouldn't. And there was an article in the Atlantic just the other day that was talking about the idea of "just because you can, doesn't mean you should." It sounds to me like there aren't enough benefits to outweigh the hesitation you're feeling, so wanted to add my unsoliciited 2 cents
pomelo / 5573 posts
@Mrs. Carrot: I do really appreciate the advice! I keep thinking that too. Although I’m in Canada and cases aren’t going up here - my region of 650,000 currently has less than 40 cases (1700 confirmed cases total since the beginning) and my town of 150,000 has 8, so our case count is pretty low. But on the other hand, it might be necessary? I’m half-assing my job while managing two teams, and my husband is also letting a lot of stuff slide at work and he’s about to get even busier too.
But I definitely don’t want to be those people who are like “patio’s open, let’s hit the bar!” if you know what I mean.
persimmon / 1196 posts
@erinbaderin: Our LO's school is scheduled to reopen on the 13th as well. We just got the email today asking us to state our intent re: re-enrolling. I was conflicted, because I am a teacher and DH works part time, so we could keep LO home if necessary. However, we decided to send her back (3 days/week, which was our planned summer schedule) for several reasons: a) LO NEEDS the social interaction with her peers - this is the primary reason we have her enrolled in preschool, b) with unknown circumstances when school opens in the fall, I need some uninterrupted planning time to be ready to meet the needs of my students, and c) it seems not unlikely that schools will close again at some point, so we want to take advantage while we can, for her sake and for ours.
Based on recent advice I have been reading from epidemiologists, sending LO to a preschool where reasonable precautions are being taken doesn't seem more risky to me than other activities we have been doing, so I think the benefits are worth it. It is also helpful to remember that we can change our minds at any time.
nectarine / 2987 posts
@erinbaderin: If there's any way to get your older child into the same place where your younger child is I would do it. Limiting exposure to one location is a really good idea.
pomelo / 5573 posts
@MrsSRS: @lady baltimore: @Mrs. Carrot: I went back and forth on this to the point that I made myself physically ill, so that was fun times, but ultimately decided to keep them home. I’m really not so worried about COVID for them, but I realized that if I was putting them in daycare to try to get them back to a normal life and seeing their friends, but their friends wouldn’t be there and it really wasn’t going to be “normal”, what was the point of taking the associated risk? So it looks like they’re home for the summer. I’m still a bit conflicted about it - it would have been so much easier to have them out of the house, and I’m so sad my little guy doesn’t get to go back to a daycare that we really loved, but the pros outweigh the cons. I really appreciate the points of view here!
blogger / nectarine / 2043 posts
@erinbaderin: the decision fatigue is so real, I totally hear you. I forgot that you were in Canada, which does make the calculus different than being here in hotspot US, but your logic makes total sense to me. I'm approaching the school year the same way. We have the option of sending kids back for 2 days in school and 3 days would be at home/offline learning or doing 100% virtual and we opted into the latter in large part because we thankfully have the flexibility with work to do so even though it would be much easier to send her to school. And the "normalcy" of masks, distancing, etc. would be tougher for her than what we've been doing since March at home and online.
persimmon / 1495 posts
@Mrs. Carrot: I'm so jealous that you already got the actual options from your school district and were able to choose! I'm not anticipating hearing anything for a few more weeks and it's driving me crazy not to be able to plan.
nectarine / 2018 posts
@Mrs. Carrot: Decision fatigue is so, so real - we are having to make so many decisions about things that were never even questioned before. It's exhausting.
It's amazing you were already presented with options for school! And I think it's great you were able to pick which one you felt more comfortable with. When does the school year start in your area? Our district has said it will be 4-6 weeks until they announce what is happening. School is supposed to start September first or second depending on the grade.
nectarine / 2690 posts
So, I just wanted to pop in here again and give a small update. We received a notice last night that one of the teachers (in the infant room; only my 4 year old goes to daycare) tested positive for Covid-19. The last day the teacher was on campus was 6/29. They closed the infant room for a week out of caution. So....that happened. As I stated before the teachers have been wearing masks since May, so, hopefully no one else gets it. Luckily the teachers are not "floating" during this time either.
nectarine / 2210 posts
We went back last week on the 1st. So far it’s been going well. Class sizes are only around 6 kids and parents aren’t allowed in the building. They’ve been open since May but slowly expanding coverage.
persimmon / 1023 posts
My youngest went back on Monday which is the first day they were open since shutting down in March. They can have 7 kids in the class, but there’s only 3 due to summer vacations and some will not be returning. It’s a centre and they have a good protocol but I’m feeling SO guilty.
We are in Ontario Canada and in a major city (not Toronto) that has had some days of no cases but maybe 5-10 over the past couple weeks. Masks are mandatory as of Monday here too. So our risk is lower. I just feel so guilty that many parents are not sending their kids and becoming stay at home parents. I work outside the home and DW works at home for now but it’s impossible for her to work if I’m not there to take care of them. My older son is at home with her but easier to care for him than an almost two year old, and we have our in laws helping with him. We will probably just do 3 days a week some of the weeks over the summer. I’m dreading school in the fall as we don’t have a set plan yet but probably will be hybrid.
I can’t work from home and I know the choice is right and he’s having a great time. It’s SO much easier when I know he’s in care and the constant juggling act is somewhat reduced. Financially it allows me to work. But I just can’t shake the guilt factor...maybe it will be better in a couple weeks.
blogger / nectarine / 2043 posts
@Chuckles: @Catgirl I'm glad we got the options early too (parents have to commit by July 15) but you should see the firestorm in local FB groups on the topic. Everyone's complaining the district could have given it more time and provided better options, and everyone is ranging from wanting to go fully virtual to fully returning to school. Even Betsy DeVos chimed in
blogger / nectarine / 2043 posts
@catgirl: we typically start the last week of August but rumor has it we might start after Labor Day this year (the superintendent is asking the school board to approve it) so that teachers/schools can have more time to prep.
persimmon / 1495 posts
@Mrs. Carrot: yup, no plan will make everyone happy. One of our nearby high school districts already announced starting with completely remote learning, and lots of parents were also upset that they didn't give it more time.
persimmon / 1479 posts
Just found out that a child/teacher testes positive for covid. In the letter it said "child/teacher" do I take that to mean that both a child and a teacher tested positive?
They are also refusing to say what room the child was in to "protect confidentiality." I wish they would let us know what room so we could know if our child has had direct exposure. Ugh.
pomelo / 5573 posts
@winter_wonder: I would take that as one or the other, not both, they’re just being extra careful to not give away any identifying details.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Our preschool has decided not to reopen yet and to reassess in Sept rightfully so but still . AZ sucks sometimes.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@DesertDreams88: Agree!! WTF is happening in our state right now?! I really don't get it. Do I like wearing a mask in 110 heat? No, but I do it anyway! I'm also not going out to restaurants or bars, movie theaters, or, well, anywhere other than work, daycare, parents house, and the grocery store. Nothing has changed much in my household since the state reopened. I've seen my friends (in small doses) twice, that's it! The state of our state is embarrassing, if I do say so myself. Ok sorry, rant over.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Mrs. Carrot: Did Betsy comment on a local FB group?! I think I may live in the same area as you.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: it's so effed up.
You know I'm a teacher so right *now* I am lucky to go nowhere, though it's miserable. Normally we see my in laws and our best-friend-family, but they are both traveling right now and we won't see them until 7 days after they arrive back at least.
I know/knew people going to indoor restaurants, gyms, etc. Daily I hear of someone within my social circle being exposed or diagnosed.
nectarine / 2210 posts
@winter_wonder: Our school is actually the opposite of what they’ve been telling us. Yesterday they sent to emails saying that a parent was exposed to someone who had it and they said which class the kids were in. Not that anyone at the center had it, or family members had it, but a parent was around someone how did. They also required those kids not to come back till they’d been cleared.
blogger / nectarine / 2043 posts
@MrsSCB: No, she used our district (Fairfax County, VA) as an example of how schools are doing it wrong. Not a lot of people are taking her seriously since as usual she's big on rhetoric and not on practicalities, but it does underscore people's frustration that the choices we have don't feel like choices to a lot of people.
pomelo / 5257 posts
@Mrs. Carrot: ah, ok, I am in the same district! Though my kids are not old enough for public school yet. But I have some friends who do feel like they’re in a tough position with the idea of half and half distance learning and in-school. I really don’t even know what can be done, though, seems like I hear new things every day that make me waver back and forth
nectarine / 2690 posts
@DesertDreams88: I know. I am honestly surprised that Ducey hasn't shut down everything again. I don't understand why we went through it early on when cases were so low, but now that they're ridiculous he's not doing anything about it. It makes zero sense to me. Like I said before, I'm not going to restaurants, etc anyway, so it doesn't make a difference to me. But people I know (like, coworkers) are.
I know three people who have/had it. One coworker (and miraculously, no one else got it from her even though she came to work sick, with symptoms ), one friends son (19 year old - none of the rest of the rest of the family got it!!), and the teacher at daycare. I'm surprised I don't know more!
kiwi / 518 posts
We hired a nanny and won’t return until at least September 2021 when I hope dd (3 then) can enroll in preschool. Risk and unknowns and complications with work too great for us. This isn’t what I wanted to do but it felt like the best of all options.
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