I am still nursing my second baby who is 14 months old. She takes a bottle just fine, but she also likes to nurse. I think she is my last baby. I'm just curious how long any of you nursed your babies.
I am still nursing my second baby who is 14 months old. She takes a bottle just fine, but she also likes to nurse. I think she is my last baby. I'm just curious how long any of you nursed your babies.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
My first two were 18m and 13-14m. Last baby is 11m now and still nursing 4x/day - I will take whatever I can get for time I think - no rush to wean.
nectarine / 2288 posts
I nursed my first for 22 months. I will aim for around the same timeframe for my second (he will be out last)
We went on a kid free vacation to wean my first and will likely do the same with this one
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@bhbee: Yes, I feel in no big rush. And I'm so jealous you have three kids.
@josina: Yes! I'm finding it hard to quit. I love her chubby little baby feet draped all over me. And she's just so darn cute.
@MamaBear87: 22 months seems like a good time. And I absolutely love your kid free vacation to wean. How long were you away?
persimmon / 1082 posts
@agold: 18 months old! I stopped because I found out I was pregnant and it was causing some minor cramping. He was fine as the sessions were much shorter. He was drinking from sippy cups too.
persimmon / 1272 posts
16 mo for my twins.....we did just bedtime for the month prior. And at 13 mo they were at wakeup & bedtime.
So weaning we just stopped and my body adjusted without doing anything fancy. Kids had a tough couple days but they adjusted after that without much trouble.
pomelo / 5621 posts
My first was 20 months and he just stopped one day. I offered a few more times in a couple days but he was done.
DS2 is 10.5 months and going strong. Over the next month I will work on decreasing his nursing as we prepare for daycare and then it will be morning & night from 1 until he weans.
cantaloupe / 6171 posts
26 months. Lo1 was 22 months. With all the ttc, being pregnant, nursing, and having/recovering from a miscarriage in between kiddos, my body was not my own for 6 straight years 🤯
coconut / 8483 posts
All three kids were about 12 months.
I was pregnant, breastfeeding, miscarrying, repeat from 2013. I was ready to be done.
apricot / 399 posts
My second weaned herself before 18 months by biting me at every feeding for several weeks. I was not ready to wean, but I was ready to not get bitten.
My first nursed until 2.5 years. I would have happily done that with #2 but apparently she was not into it!
nectarine / 2243 posts
My first was 4 months and then I EPd til 10. She was a challenging nurser. I thought it could only be hard.
My second and last nursed until 12 months. We had such a great BF experience. Truly. He was the sweetest nurser and even now, I miss it. He would do a leg kick and hold his foot the entire time. We had an easy wean, too, he was ready. It was bittersweet but I’m so thankful to have shared the experience.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
Fifteen months and no end in sight for my third wee babe! My older two nursed for 3y3m and 2y6m respectively and I’ve pretty much been either pregnant or bf’ing (or both!) since January 2012!
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
21 months I think? Knowing she was my last did make me more reluctant to stop. But with my first we did almost that same time frame too.
apricot / 400 posts
About 2.5 years for both, although I went a month or two longer with my second since I wasn’t trying to get pregnant.
nectarine / 2262 posts
We will see! I nursed my first till 27 months (stopped bc I was pregnant). Baby 2 is almost 14 months and still nursing.
pomegranate / 3601 posts
13.5m with my first (pregnant with #2), 14.5m with my second and 20.5m with my twins (and last thereby last babies).
grapefruit / 4466 posts
My LO is 18 months and still going strong, he loves it so much. I'm considering tandem nursing (which is not something I initially thought I'd consider!) if he still loves it as much when LO2 arrives in December.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
Lo1: 3 years, Lo2: 9 months, all of which were tandem with her brother.... so in her case, I was just tired of pumping, and my supply disappeared once I stopped (sadly.)
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@periwinklebee: there's a great Facebook group for it, if you're interested in exploring the possibility.
Tandeming was obvi something I wasn't going for but just happened, and all in all I enjoyed it. I enjoyed being able to still comfort LO1 in that way, I was thankful for a way to keep him occupied during some nursing sessions, and I was amazed at what my body could do. I also felt it gave me a really good supply right from the very beginning.
nectarine / 2797 posts
Nursed both LOs to their 3rd birthdays exactly and then told them the milk was all gone. I still miss it, 3.5 months after weaning my second, but it was the right time for us.
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@DesertDreams88: Thank you, this is super helpful! It is on my to-do list to learn more about tandem nursing. I feel like so much of parenting is just figuring out what works best for your family at this particular point in time, regardless of what you were going for initially!
nectarine / 2821 posts
@agold: Also on my second and most likely last baby . First I nursed until he was 2.5, I was 20 weeks with his sister. She’s 20 m and super into nursing. I am thinking I’ll start weaning her slowly at 2. But I might night wean her soon because I am over the night nursing (we bedshare after first wake up which can be as soon as 2 hours).
pear / 1521 posts
Nursed my first til about 27 months, basically right when I got pregnant with my second. Still going strong at 16 months with my second...so sad to think of weaning her and then never nursing again but hopefully we have about another year left!
pear / 1565 posts
I THOUGHT my 2nd was my last. 2 years 7 months and STILL nursing AND currently pregnant, lol!
grapefruit / 4045 posts
@ALV91711: Did your baby just straight up refuse when you offered? That's kind of an easy way to wean!
@hitchhiker: I'm having the biting issue with my current baby! So that may be a reason to wean if she keeps it up.
@mamabolt: Did you nurse only certain times into their older years? Or just all day, any time? That's nice you were able to say "no more milk, kids!"
@mrsbubbletea: oh I feel you. good luck. bed sharing is so sweet and I bet it will make it a little hard to night wean. My girl is recently sleeping through the night *knock on all the wood around* its been a nice break for me!
@petitenoisette: I'm sad, too! Are you limiting the nursing sessions?
@graceandjoy: woo hoo for a third! Planned or happy surprise?
pomelo / 5621 posts
@agold: yes, one weekend I went to feed him and he wanted nothing to do with it. I offered a couple more times and same thing. It sure made it super easy!
pear / 1565 posts
@agold: surprise! and definitely need to wean #2 now... it's going to be so painful, she loves the boob soooo much
blogger / kiwi / 626 posts
I went 2.5 years with my last one and I am SOOO proud of myself and my little man. It was such a great experience for me to have that time with him.
grapefruit / 4045 posts
I love reading all of these responses. My babysitter just asked me this morning if I was still nursing my girl. Felt a tiny bit of judgment. But I will keep it up a while longer. You girls are all so amazing!
@Mrs. Cereal: So great to hear you went to 2.5+ years. Were you nursing all throughout the day, or just at specific times? I'd love to cut back the nursing. I don't want her wanting to nurse during the day in public. Just at home at nap time. And, also maybe during the 16-hour flight we plan to take next year when she will be about 2.5!
nectarine / 2018 posts
Only have 1 LO. She nursed until 28 months. Between 12-14 months we dropped all of her daytime nursing sessions and she was nursing first thing in the morning and at bedtime. At 2 we dropped to just bedtime until we weaned.
blogger / kiwi / 626 posts
@agold: we nursed in the morning and if I saw him at lunchtime and then at bedtime too. I stopped pumping at 12 months so by the time he was 18 months or so it was about four to six times a day and stayed that way until we were done.
pear / 1521 posts
@agold: normally we nurse am/pm (including 1-2 nighttime feeds ) and before nap if we’re home together. Sometimes she’ll be fussy and I can tell she needs milk to chill out and I love being able to sooth her by nursing if she’s really upset. But generally it’s low-key.
That’s annoying that your babysitter seemed judgy! I know how you feel, I tend to forget that it’s not super usual to nurse past a year and that some people might find it weird. But really I think it’s wonderful and not weird at all and I’m so happy to have been able to do it so long
pomelo / 5573 posts
Both boys weaned themselves at about 14 months. I'd cut down to just morning and night before I went back to work at 12 months, and then over about the course of a week with each of them they got less and less interested in settling down to nurse and were just done. Both times it made me so sad - I would have happily kept going, I loved those times with them.
honeydew / 7235 posts
Around 13/14 months I actually made it a few months longer with my second and last baby, than I did with my first.
nectarine / 2987 posts
I nursed my second until a little after 2.5, I think. Somewhere around 1.5 I set limits. There was NO just yanking up mama's shirt. Just like with snacks, you can ask, but the answer might be unapologetically no. Most of our nursing happened at home around sleep times. It was emotionally easy to wean because around then I went from oh it is so lovely and sweet and nostalgic to ugh I want more bodily autonomy back! (My first weaned himself when I was pregnant. Somewhere around 1.5)
pomegranate / 3355 posts
both of my babies self weaned before 12 mos... first was at 11 mos and 2nd was like 10 mos
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