How much breast milk was your child eating around nine to 10 months? I've noticed my son seems less interested in general (he'll be nine months this week). I'm still sending 14 - 15 oz. of breast milk to daycare, which is what he's always had, but lately he doesn't always finish it all. He's also often still finishing the last few ounces of his third bottle when I pick him up. Should I be doing two bottles a day? Sending less milk or still trying to get 14 oz? He is a very good eater -- he'll eat anything and loves solid foods. So I'm sure that's a factor.
Second part of this is I have a work conference in June when he'll be 10 months, so I'm also trying to figure out how much I'll need to stockpile for him for that time. I don't really have much of a stash at this point so it'll be a bit tough....