What's the diet of your 12-15 month old? Including milk/ nursing. My 13mo is fussy and I'm really not sure he's eating enough.
What's the diet of your 12-15 month old? Including milk/ nursing. My 13mo is fussy and I'm really not sure he's eating enough.
honeydew / 7235 posts
Hi! I had posted this in a different thread a few weeks ago, here is the thread:http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/talk-to-me-about-meals-at-12-18-mos
And here is how my 15 month old ate, we stopped nursing at 12.5 months, and he is 16 months now, and I'd say we're doing less milk now a month later, more food:
My littlest LO is 15 months. We're still doing bottles with him for cows milk... he wouldn't even take a bottle until he was about 9 months old, so we'll probably start to wean off of them in the next couple months, I know we're supposed to have quit the bottles by now, but it's his only vice! haha...
Here's how he is eating, and it's been like this since about 13 months:
Wakeup - 5oz bottle whole milk, mini bowl of dry cereal to snack on
Breakfast - Eggs, 1/2 piece of toast with cream cheese, fruit, sausage (usually) or oatmeal/pancakes, etc (we do big breakfasts)
Snack - either fruit or crackers or a bottle of milk
Lunch - whatever, usually leftovers, water
Bottle of milk before nap
Snack - cheese, fruit, cereal, crackers, whatever
Dinner (whatever we're eating)
Bottle of milk or warm water before bed
PS... he still only has 2 teeth! haha
nectarine / 2436 posts
My 13mo can vary a lot and when he's sick he pretty much refuses to eat but this has been typical lately:
BREAKFAST: oatmeal (sometimes)
some smoothie
snack: ? crackers, some fruit
lunch: peanut butter sandwich (like, 1/4) or pasta, maybe some fruit, a pouch
snack: apple with almond butter
dinner: steamed veggies, a pouch, maybe 3 bites of what we're having (ground meat, veggie burger, pierogies)
probably 10-14oz WCM a day and he nurses 2xs a day still.
I feel like it's not enough. His measurements are good but we only measure every 3 months and he hasn't gained much weight at all recently-- 23.5lbs and 29.5" for like 2 months now
nectarine / 2047 posts
I posted in the other thread mentioned above as well and it's pretty much the same now. I wanted to chime in and mention that my guy has been holding pretty steady for his height and weight recently too. I was concerned about it as well but the ped said it's very normal because of how active they are. She said a lot of parents worry because they gain SO quickly the first year and then it slows way way down. She said that toddlers won't starve themselves. I'm trying to follow the division of responsibility philosophy that was discussed in another recent thread. It helps me to not freak about it and prevent meal time from becoming a battle.
ETA: here's the other thread: http://boards.hellobee.com/topic/ellyn-satter-division-of-responsibility#post-2697407
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
Here is what he ate yesterday: (he's 13 months)
Breakfast: a whole banana, a half a cup of Cheerios, A few sips of whole milk
Snack: crackers (3) and cheese (a slice) half a sippy of whole milk
Lunch: 1/4 cup of roasted diced sweet potatoes, A 4 ounce peach yogurt, A quarter cup of diced chicken, Half a pear, half a sippy of whole milk
Snack: four strawberries and a corn puff, like a rice cake
Dinner: One cup of veggie pasta with turkey meat sauce, half a piece of multi grain bread with olive oil and garlic, water
Before bed- 1 nine ounce bottle of whole milk
ETA: I didn't realize he had such a carb heavy day until I just typed that out.
honeydew / 7235 posts
@pachamama: I was just at the Ped for a well visit and I was also surprised LO hadn't gained more since I feel he eats pretty well and the doctor said at this stage the weight gain tends to slow down and he likes to see a pound or two gained between visits. Not like when they were smaller and putting on weight faster.
Your breakdown sounds like he's doing well with eating!!
pear / 1737 posts
@pachamama: my 15 month old is weaned and does 7-14 oz of whole cows milk/day. She doesn't eat much at all. She is only 19.4 ounces (as of her 15 month appointment) and 80% for height.
Some days she eats only a few bites of anything for the whole day, basically nothing, and it's worrying and frustrating.
Today so far
B: 2 banana/flax pancakes and a bite of banana
Snack: a pouch and half a granola bar (which is really good for her!)-maybe 3 oz milk so far for the day and 2-4 oz water.
L: will be lentil chili and rice and it remains to be seen how much she'll eat.
B: two bites oatmeal
Snack: one slice of cheese and a few goldfish
-4 oz ish milk
L: half a veggie hotdog, a few bites of rice mixed with alphagheti, half a pouch. 2-3 oz milk
S: she refused everything after she woke up
D: a few bites of lunch food, a bite of cucumber, and 2 spoons of cottage cheese. She had a handful of popcorn as a snack before bed. 4 oz milk with dinner/before bed.
I'd love if she would pack more food in, but she just doesn't. I have recently started trying to get pouches in her again because she has taken interest in them again and I try to look for the highest calorie ones I can (banana and pumpkin is a high cal one).
It sounds like your guy is doing okay for food to me. My doctor recently said they should be getting 24 oz milk/ day which I couldn't understand my daughter ever consuming.
nectarine / 2436 posts
@peaches1038: this was so helpful. My guy is VERY active and was born early, so, exactly, he gained very quickly and really has slowed down. I try not to stress and do the "if he's hungry, he'll eat" methodology because what he eats is very healthy usually... but I don't know if that's wise.
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Mrs. Goose: Your daughter sounds like my son! I mean, if he was hungry, he'd eat right? And maybe when I stop nursing he will eat even more.
I specifically asked my Ped how much milk and she said 8-16oz! She seemed to think WCM was a little overrated
pear / 1737 posts
@pachamama: that's what I assume. I'm also waiting to see if anything is up at our next appointment (18 months) where we'll get a ped referral if her weight continues to be low. She was born late and huge, but has never been a big eater-breastfeeding or solids. When I stopped breastfeeding at 13 months she did up her solids intake a little, but I was down to first thing in the morning and night bedtime at that point so the meal it impacted significantly was breakfast.
persimmon / 1111 posts
My LO is 12.5 months. He plateaued for 3 months and just started gaining weight again. Here's what he had today:
Breakfast : nursed, blueberry yogurt, 15 cheerios, half a strawberry
Lunch/snack at daycare: 10 oz of milk, 2 pouches
Dinner: 1/4 cup of pasta, 10 peas, 1 pouch
Bedtime: nurse
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@pachamama: I forgot he also had a pumpkin pouch at dinner. He's a good eater and likes veggies and fruits. His diet is less carb heavy most days but I figure it all evens out over a week.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
I have the same concerns about LO not eating enough (or enough variety).
Typical day:
- Breakfast: Fruit cup and oatmeal mixed with the leftover fruit cup juice & water
- Lunch: A Veggie pouch and a Bamba pack
- Snack: Puffs / Chex / Cheerios / Whole-grain goldfish or chunks of cheese
- Dinner: 3/4 cup of yogurt and lots of cut-up fruit... he could eat fruit forever.
He still does 4 servings of milk at 4-5oz each, so 16-20 oz for the day.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@DesertDreams88: are you doing vegetarian with him? You might want to try black beans or similar for added protein.
grapefruit / 4361 posts
@travellingbee: Yes vegetarian but not really intentionally. DH eats meat, I don't, and LO just hasn't like any meat we've done with him except for bacon. We've tried meat every other day for the past month, all kinds. Beans is the effort for the next month
However, the recommendation for toddlers is a minimum 13-16 grams of protein every day. The day I described above has 36 grams of protein thanks to milk, yogurt or cheese, and Bamba.
hostess / papaya / 10219 posts
@DesertDreams88: True, the dairy is a good source of protein. I was just thinking for variety.
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Pollywog: Hey girl, It's Leah from the FB group
@travellingbee: My Ped also told me to look at what he eats over the course of a week, and not a day. That was helpful.
Here's my question which would help me sleep at night... do you think babies are more intuitive than we give them credit for in terms of eating what they need (with us providing healthy options)?
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Mrs. Goose: I'm contemplating weaning him from mama milk. I think we might be ready and it might help him eat more? I'm not even sure he's getting much milk. Who knows.
persimmon / 1111 posts
@pachamama: oh hi! You can appreciate that after J ate all of his vegan yogurt he then had a horrible reaction to it. Cross another food off of the list I'll keep nursing because at least it is something he won't violently expel an hour later.
I'd assume weaning would increase solids. I know many moms in my moms group found that to be the case.
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Pollywog: oh no. Vegan yogurt?! What does that consist of?! And yes if I were you. I'd be BFing for a while longer! I think Ro miiiiight be done, idk.
nectarine / 2987 posts
I had a big first kid who ate a ton at this age, and then a nursing monster second kid who are very little at this age. Here's the contrast:
Breakfast: 1/2 c oatmeal with coconut oil and pb, 1/2 c strawberries, water
Snack: nurse, puffs, pouch
Lunch: 1/2 c chicken and veggie Thai curry, 2T rice, pouch, water
Snack: nurse, coconut yogurt melts, freeze dried fruit
Dinner: pouch, 1/2 c pasta, 1/4 c beans, 1/4 c meatballs, water
Breakfast: 1/4 c Greek yogurt, ignore the rest
Lunch: 1/4 avocado, ignore the rest
Dinner: 2 bites chicken, 1 strawberry, ignore the rest
Both healthy and growing well. We didn't do WCM at all because they were still nursing and it isn't necessary. I made sure that they got the equivalent of the fat and calcium in 16oz of WCM in other foods each day.
persimmon / 1111 posts
@pachamama: it is just cashew milk, sugar, and probiotics. He'd been fine with the unsweetened almond milk variety, so I thought I was giving a treat. Total fail!
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