Hellobee Boards


How much overnight sleep does your LO get?

  1. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @grizz: hallelujah amen!

  2. JessKas

    pear / 1693 posts

    10.5-11.5 hours, 1-2 wake-ups usually, but this week she's been waking up a ton. Ugh. 9.5 months.

  3. BlueWolverine

    pear / 1510 posts

    16 mo, 11.5 hours typically. No wake ups. Sometimes she'll sleep a lot longer up to 13 hours if can let her.

  4. Bubbles

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    He's 5.5 months and waking anything from 3 - 7 times, ouch. Usually gets 10 - 11.5 hours, although I suspect he is sometimes laying awake for a while before he starts grunting for attention!

  5. shopaholic

    bananas / 9973 posts

    Almost 15 months, 10-10.5 hrs no wake-ups. I miss 12-13 hour days...

  6. Grace

    cantaloupe / 6730 posts

    @edelweiss: I thought 11-12 hours overnight is normal?

    Mine is averaging ~11.25 hours with 2 wakeups. Although last night there was only 1 wakeup too. @Lawbee11: I could be sooooooo spoiled if that continues.

  7. sotofamilia

    kiwi / 612 posts

    15 months, 11 hours with (usually) no wake-ups.

  8. lawbee11

    GOLD / watermelon / 14076 posts

    @Grace: It's amazing how much better you feel with 1 wakeup instead of 2!

  9. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    11ish hours with (usually) one wake up. He's 6.5 months.

  10. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    Almost 24 months; 10-12 hours, no wake ups, usually a 2 hour nap during the day.

  11. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    8 months - 11-11.5 hours with 2 wakeups (lately though we have had a few bad nights). The wakeups are only 5-10 minutes if I nurse her, longer if we try to settle her otherwise (frequently until I just give in and nurse).

  12. fancyfunction

    grapefruit / 4085 posts

    She's almost 18 mo and sleeps around 12 hours.

  13. sweetpea612

    coffee bean / 42 posts

    11 months - 11 hours with 1-2 wakeups

  14. Elderberrygin

    kiwi / 689 posts

    15 months. 10.5-11 hours over night plus two 1.5 hour naps.

    When she's not teething or sick she usually sleeps through, or has a very brief wake-up if she can't find her monkey lovey and needs one of us to find it for her.

    I won't go into what she's like when she is sick or teething because. Ugh. My life right now.

  15. Rainbow Sprinkles

    eggplant / 11287 posts

    My 2-year old sleeps for 11 hours with 0 wakeups.

    My 6-month old usually sleeps 11 hours with 382916 wakeups.

  16. MrsB2012

    nectarine / 2466 posts

    Ugh, I'm dying over here. B is 10 months old and last night she got ... 7 hours with no wake ups. She didn't nap at all yesterday ( the night before was the same, 7 hours ) and I tried in vain for 2 hours this morning to get her to nap ( so I could! ) and she wouldn't. I might have had luck this afternoon but I have a Dr appt at 130, so that will completely mess up her afternoon as well.
    Excuse me while I go cry in my cup of coffee. ( I know 7 hours uninterrupted isn't that bad, but it's just not good enough for her or me )

  17. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    14.5 months old and he usually gets about 11 hours with no wake ups although the last 2 weeks he's been waking a lot (he is getting molars and having separation anxiety- )

  18. travellingbee

    hostess / papaya / 10219 posts

    @Elderberrygin: Ugh I feel ya on the teething. We are miserable over here too! Sniffle...

  19. GrapeCrush

    grapefruit / 4823 posts

    both my 10 month old, and 25 month old sleep from 8-6:30/7. the 2 year old has an occasional 1 wakeup night, the 10 month old has at least 1 wake up every night, sometimes up to 4.

  20. Mrs. High Heels

    blogger / eggplant / 11551 posts

    DS = 11-12 hours with no wakeups. 3 hour nap. 15 months.
    DD = 10 hours; 2-3 hour nap. 3+ years old.

  21. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    usually 12 hours with 0-1 wake ups.

  22. mdf106

    clementine / 828 posts

    9.5 months, 9-10 hours. This seems less than average, but he only seems overtired if he gets less than 3 hours in naps, although he is often closer to 4 hours, especially during the week.

  23. MrsStar

    nectarine / 2994 posts

    20 months and 12 hours of overnight sleep 7pm-7am. No wakes.

  24. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    6 month old- 10 hours with 1 wakeup
    20 month old- 11 hours with no wakeups (barring teething and sickness)

  25. 78h2o

    grapefruit / 4441 posts

    18 months, 11-12 hrs. Recently she's had 1-3 wakeups. She did have a month long period where she SSTN - do t know what happened to that!


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