Hellobee Boards


How old is everyone?!

  1. MsMini

    grapefruit / 4056 posts

    I am 28, 14 weeks pregnant with our first baby, DH is 32 (will be 33 when baby comes)

  2. kayakgirl73

    clementine / 750 posts

    We are both 38. We are moving from NTNT to TTC this month.

  3. peachybee

    grape / 79 posts

    32 almost 33. DH is 34 almost 35. I am 5.5 weeks pregnant with our first.

  4. ALittleP

    kiwi / 575 posts

    Wow - I'm "old" too. I turned 36 recently. My hubby is 43. We're TTC our first.

  5. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    I'm 28, husband will be 33 on Thanksgiving. We've been married a year.

  6. BabyBunny

    olive / 52 posts

    I just turned 27, DH is turning 30 in January and we are TTC for #1.

  7. lilteacherbee

    cantaloupe / 6791 posts

    I'm 22, DH will be 23 in a couple weeks, and we will be TTC this spring. We got married 5 months ago and we've been together since high school.

  8. heffalump

    GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts

    I'm 28. My husband is 33. We have a 3 1/2 month old baby girl.

    I can't wait to start TTC again.... but of course for many logical reasons we'll be waiting a couple of years

  9. ParkerHaus

    cherry / 181 posts

    I am 34 and hubs is 30, we are trying for our first.

  10. Mrs Sorbet

    cherry / 206 posts

    DH and I are both 23. Not TTC yet, probably in the next 1-2 years.

  11. erinpye

    pomegranate / 3706 posts

    I'm 27 and 19.5 weeks pregnant with our first. DH is 28 and he and I got married in March of 2010.

  12. Mrs. Sunglasses

    GOLD / pomelo / 5167 posts

    I love reading everyone's 'status'

  13. 808love

    pomelo / 5866 posts

    I'm 40 and hubs is 32 which has made virtually no difference in the 3 years we've been together. We hung out in the same circle of friends so it wasn't a cougar or May/Dec thing. Nobody ever guesses my age and I cringe at being 'old'. Let's just say I've been around the block.

  14. Aandmklover

    kiwi / 506 posts

    I am 25, DH is 24 and we've been married just over a year (together 8 years) and TTC for 6 cycles.

  15. PitBulLover

    apricot / 256 posts

    I'm 25, DH is 28.
    We are not yet TTC...probably another 3-4 years

  16. eeh

    persimmon / 1341 posts

    I'm 23, husband is 28. We're TTC now.

  17. noodlefish

    pea / 23 posts

    I'm 26, and about to hit my first wedding anniversary in a couple of weeks. We are waiting to ttc for about a year.

  18. Pipers Mommy

    kiwi / 537 posts

    I'm 33, husband is 39. Our daughter is 3 1/2 months. He also has a daughter from a previous marriage who is 18.

  19. holdonforonemoreday

    clementine / 826 posts

    I am 27, my hubby is 29 (turning the big 3-0 in March). We have a almost 9 month old and I am 9 weeks pregnant with my second due June 13th 2012. I'll be 28 when s/he is born.

  20. Boots McGee

    pea / 19 posts

    Oh, dear. I'm feeling ancient at 37. And do I win the "oldest hubby" award? My darling is 44! We have a 9-month-old daughter. Yeah, we're gonna try to have another kid. Can you tell how excited I am by the thought of being pregnant again?

  21. PearlBee

    cherry / 126 posts

    24. Not ready to TTC yet.

  22. reggie

    cherry / 228 posts

    I'm 27, hubs is 28, our son will be 3 months old in 2 days!

  23. MH.Abroad

    kiwi / 686 posts

    Not the youngest here, but close! I'm 21, hubby is also 21. We're hoping to TCC in the spring.

  24. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    I'm 30, husband is 29 and currently pregnant with our first.

  25. rawrasaur

    pear / 1769 posts

    23 and we will begin ttc in 1-2 years

  26. Navy_Mommy

    nectarine / 2458 posts

    I'm 23 hubby is 30 and we've been married since July and expecting our first child in April! I'll be 24 by then, hubs will still be 30!

  27. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    I'm 22 and DH is 26! Currently trying

  28. mrs.earrings

    grape / 83 posts

    Im 22, not TTC yet.

  29. LAGS

    clementine / 916 posts

    I'm 25 and DH will be joining the quarter-century club in January. I'm currently 14 weeks pregnant with our first

  30. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    I'm 23 and DH is 30. We are TTC our first.

  31. Becksabee

    cherry / 235 posts

    My SO and I are both 28. We just had our first child on 10/11.

  32. Muffin

    coffee bean / 28 posts

    I am 23 and currently TTC!

  33. Colekbl

    grape / 84 posts

    I'm 26 & DH is 27. We found out we were expecting 6 days before our 1 year anniversary. I'm 10 weeks along with our first & due on our 5 year dating anniversary.

  34. mamafroggy

    pea / 22 posts

    I am 22 and my husband is 23. I am 22 weeks pregnant and expecting our first. I will be 23 when our baby girl is born.

  35. Boogs

    hostess / papaya / 10540 posts

    I'm 27 and have a 7 month old. Like you @Blushink, I was married in 2008. If I remember correctly from our WB days I want to say around the same time.

  36. shellio

    pear / 1614 posts

    I'm 33, DH is 35. We are expecting our first in a month! Can't wait!

  37. Ms.Bucky

    coffee bean / 30 posts

    30! We'll be pulling the goalie sometime next year or the year after, if we chicken out.

  38. Mrs. Oatmeal

    blogger / honeydew / 7081 posts

    I'm 23, DH is 23. We've been TTC for about 10 months now. Been married just over a year and a half.

  39. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    I'm 26, FI is 28 - TTC next year so all going well we will be 28 & 30 when we welcome our first LO.

  40. yoursilverlining

    eggplant / 11824 posts

    I'm 30 and my husband is in his mid-40's (just turned 46). I am pregnant with our first, who will also be the first grandchild on both sides.

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