I am really struggling to be able to feed my boys without supplementing, but I feel a little bit lost on what I should be doing. I think I need to take Building Your Milk Supply 101.
The boys are one month old tomorrow. I can usually pump about 1.5-3 oz. total, which is definitely not enough for both boys. When I nurse, they almost always need more and I have to supplement with either pumped milk or formula. The boys eT every 2.5-3 hours. I know I'm probably drinking too much coffee and not enough water. I've tried Mother's Milk Tea, but I've only used it sporadically. I tandem nurse, so each one eats on one side only, and then the next feeding, each eats on the opposite side. I pump anytime they don't nurse, so I'm pumping or nursing about 8 times per day. If I feel like they didn't eat well, I pump after nursing, too, but never get more than a few mililiters on each side.
What are your best tips to build/increase your initial milk supply? No tips are too basic!