Long story short, I probably have PCOS (I'm getting tests done to confirm it, but my doctor is fairly sure that is the cause of my very long irregular cycles and lack of ovulation). My DH would love to be pregnant right now, but it's not happening.

Both my dad and my MIL are driving me nuts.

My MIL literally talks about NOTHING any more except grandchildren. I can't complain about being tired or sick without her immediately asking if I am pregnant. She is constantly saying she expects those grandchildren soon! We've been trying, OK?

My father too keeps mentioning babies. I posted about my new puppy on Facebook the other day and he commented "Not a new puppy! Have a baby!!!!" Oh gee thanks dad. If only it was that simple and easy.

Do you have people in your life that are expecting you to have babies? How do you deal with these people?