LO will be 5 months on Saturday and while we are not ready to wean just yet, i need to start wrapping my head around it. I know I'm over analyzing it, but that's my personality so I'm looking for advice.

Right now I nurse in the mornings and evenings, but LO receives bottles at the sitter's and I pump at work. For several reasons, I want to be able to stop pumping at work middle of April, if I can. If not, I'll go to the end of our school year, which is the end of May.

Did your supply drop when you stopped pumping? How did you start introducing formula, which I'm not against? Just make it for the same amount that LO drank of bm? She has had some formula before, but not since Christmas. I have a freezer stash, which I'm hoping I can use when I stop pumping to give her some bm until she is one in October.

This is long and probably all over the place, but I'm bored tonight since DH had to leave early due to the weather and we have no school tomorrow and I figured while not start thinking about the future.