I know there are a million lessons on weaning out there, but most seem to work with a bottle, where you start mixing BM/formula with milk and gradually adjust the proportions until you are at 100% milk.

I don't want to do that because I want DD to drink her milk from a sippy/straw cup and I want her to drink it cold.

We started introducing cold WCM in a straw cup with meals at about 9 months. She gradually caught on and most days will drink a bit (ranging from one sip to a couple of ounces) at each meal. But it's not consistent. Starting next month, I would like to transition her from nursing/warm BM in bottle to cold milk in a sippy for all of her daytime feeds. I plan to BF at wake up and bedtime for as long as I can/she's interested.

So - any advice on getting her to start drinking more from a cup and dropping the bottle? Did anyone have sleep problems when they made this transition?