My LO is 5 months and hit the 4 month regression at about 3.5 months. At first it was easy, just a few extra wakeups, feed and back to bed but right when I thought we were getting over it, sleep got worse. Now we are up at least 3 times a night, he is refusing to go back down and most of our days start around 4. Christmas night was our best by far, down at 5:30, up 8, 12:45 and 3 but right back to sleep. Last night was back to 8, 9:45 - 11:15, 1 and up at 4.

We have no choice but to share a room so this disturbs everyone. We haven't tried CIO because I don't think it would work, J can scream for hours. I am about ready to check myself into a hotel!!!