cantaloupe / 6923 posts
Thank you everyone for your advice and help in this situation. I still need to keep kicking it around my head to see what I decide. And then see how long my body decides to take to get pregnant.
But kind of related... how do people lose more weight while breastfeeding? I am eating like a serious horse over here. My appetite can not be tamed.
coconut / 8475 posts
@rachiecakes: same happened to me. Got pregnant and didn't know it. The only reason I was suspicious is because I stopped losing weight, haha.
@anonysquire: if is just an offer, but if you need reassurance or a "2nd opinion", you can wall me a pic? I can walk you one of me at 2m pp too. At least then, maybe you'll have a realistic idea. I know how mind games work. We will never be happy with ourselves if we listens to those voices
GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts
Lol, you crazy, but you look fab. I look way poochier at 9 months pp!
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@anonysquire: I plateaued from about 6 weeks until 4 months, then lost a lot more quite quickly. Then another plateau. Dropped more around 9 months.
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
I don't think you're crazy! I don't want large gaps between kids either. My body really is going to need a year to heal, at least. Physically and mentally for me. But I'm already excited to start TTC in about a year or so! Go for it. You look great in that picture. You're only going to gain the weight back when you're pregnant again, so why not?
cantaloupe / 6017 posts
@anonysquire: you look great, by the way. Don't be so hard on yourself!
cantaloupe / 6692 posts
@anonysquire: I found I'm not hungry as much for some reason while BFing. I have to make myself keep my calories up. I lost 30 pounds between birth and 5 weeks pp but I've plateaued now.
blogger / coconut / 8306 posts
@anonysquire: curious, but what does your husband want? What is his ideal family spacing?
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@Mrs. Jump Rope: He doesn't have an opinion. He doesn't have an opinion in most things in life. It's frustrating. I have asked a million times because I want to be sure he is ok with things. All he says is that he loves Zuma and wants another one whenever I do. So ya...
squash / 13764 posts
@anonysquire: the greatest amount of weight loss while breastfeeding usually happens between 3 and 6 months pp! That was very true for me. You look great though, btw!! and I personally couldn't imagine having a newborn and a young toddler, but people do it and survive and love it, so whatever you feel is best!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
You ladies are all great. I am getting all kinds of great advice here but most of you have different advice lol. So now I am just all sorts of confused. I think I want to take 2 months off to get used to working, keep building a freezer stash, loving on my princess baby, healing my body and getting in a good exercise routine and diet and then start trying?
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
Dang but then that will put me in June and if I got pregnant in June (fingers crossed it would happen the first cycle haha) the babies would share a birthday month. Ok take 3 months off. Start trying in July. Ugh that seems so far away.
pomelo / 5073 posts
We lost our first child at 20 weeks and our current lo is 6 months old. I essentially was pregnant, just pregnant, pregnant, and then not pregnant after delivering over 2 years and it was hard on my body and I just had myself and dh to take care of. I would personally take some time to see how your new normal will be before you try to make it even more different. As for bf, I'm at the lowest weight I've been in 3 or 4 years, even though I'm eating all the time. For me, bf has helped melt everything off. Stuff is in different places and may not be as toned, but I'm fitting into clothes I haven't worn in years.
pear / 1698 posts
I'd wait- my pregnancies were sooooo different, my first I had morning sickness through my third trimester and a ton of complications. My second is easy as pie. Just because you had one experience doesn't mean subsequent pregnancies will be like that. I can't imagine if I had a newborn while going through my first pregnancy. I had to give up breastfeeding my first when I was pregnant with my second, since my supply was tanking and my nipples were sensitive.
I got pregnant when my LO was a year old. Being pregnant with a toddler isn't too bad because she is more independant, she can feed herself, pick up her own toys, play by herself etc. she also sleeps through the night, which is nice since I get exhausted pretty easily.
grapefruit / 4291 posts
@anonysquire: just another thought but if you're EBF you might not start ovulating for another year or so...
@singingbee: yah, breastfeeding did amazing things for my weight and I was the skinniest I'd been for seven years! Now of course I'm used to eating all that food and have put the weight back on again...
pomegranate / 3393 posts
Just my 2 cents: It didn't even hit me the toll that pregnancy, childbirth, breastfeeding, and caring for a baby took on my body and my mind until 6 months PP. I also had a relatively easy pregnancy and birth, and remember those early days of elation. I would want my body to recover so baby #2 could have all the best just like #1, in utero and out! I've heard a lot of recommendations, from the WHO and other organizations, to wait 18 months between pregnancies.
wonderful cherry / 21504 posts
I can't imagine trying right now and C is 8 months old-- although I did ask about second births in the delivery room with her! But C was a pretty difficult newborn, and isn't a great sleeper. Now she is so much fun and I really enjoy that I can focus entirely on her and all the adorable things she does. I had a rough first trimester-- not horrible like some ladies have it, but exhausted and nauseous all the time.
So... those are my reasons for not wanting to try immediately. I think there is a lot of merit in giving your body a chance to totally heal, and yes, get back to normal, but I wouldn't put off what I wanted until I was 100% happy with the way my body looks.
Oh, and breastfeeding has me at my lowest weight in about 7 years, and I eat all the time. I'm going to have to be really careful when I stop-- 4 brownies isn't a normal after dinner snack??
hostess / wonderful honeydew / 32460 posts
yay TTC #2! have you gotten your period back?
having babies close together is rough, but it's fun too!
good luck!
coconut / 8861 posts
@MoonMoon: this sounds exactly like me and my experience. I gained weight during breast feeding and hated my body for quite a few months. With sleep training at 6 months and healing from my tears, life got more normal. I've been on WW since last June to get down to a healthy weight. I'm happier now than I was before sleep training and the excess weight I was carrying. I feel like I'm healed 19 months pp to consider pregnancy and newborns again.
nectarine / 2466 posts
I'm the same way as you. DH and I both wanted another one asap. It didn't help our case that our dd is a very easy baby. We haven't been using any protection since we started dtd 3 weeks PP. We were both hoping it would just happen. Now, I'm 8 months PP and I just got my first PP period back. I had to drop a feed ( now I'm only breast feeding 3 times a day ) to get my cycles back. We're going all in with OPK's temping, everything this month. It can take a long while for your body to regulate back to a normal cycle. My advice is just take it easy for a little while longer, make sure having a newborn and possibly being pregnant is something you can really handle. When you get your cycles back, if you feel ready, go for it! I thought that as B was STTN since she was a month old that my cycles would have come back much quicker. I was shocked it took this long. Good luck!
pomegranate / 3393 posts
@cascademom: I'm glad you're feeling better and back to your old self!
pomelo / 5258 posts
@anonysquire: Maybe I missed it above but have you had sex pp yet? That was a much rougher road for me than I anticipated and has impacted my TTC #2 timing.
bananas / 9229 posts
Out of curiosity, how old are you and how many LOs do you want to have?
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
@chopsuey: No I wish! Before I got pregnant I had only had like 2 periods that year. I can only hope they come back regular!!!
@MrsB2012: Yikes I hope it doesn't take a long time for my period to come back. Good luck!
@Corduroy: No not yet. Just got the OK today. Just hypothetically thinking at the moment
@LindsayInNY: 25 and I ideally want 10+ kids.
pineapple / 12526 posts
I think you should very seriously research the dangers of back to back pregnancies.... I know people do it, but it carries far more risks than I think people are aware of, both immediate and long-term.
I got baby fever when C was about 6 weeks old and I wanted to get pregnant right away. I am so, so, so, so glad I didn't.
Probably not what you wanted to hear, but that's what I have to say.
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts
I say do what you think is right! I didn't lose my supply while nursing when I get pregnant with E. A was 10 months old at the time. Good luck!
nectarine / 2163 posts
@anonysquire: i feel ya, lady. my kids are 16.5 months apart and I LOVE it. they're so much fun. LO2 is 3 months, and i would happily ditch the BC now (which, honestly we're not even being that careful about right now!), if I wasn't so determined to EBF LO2 until 12 months. my supply tanked right when I got my BFP, and stopped all together at the end of my 1st tri. something to think about if you're set on EBFing I guess
as for the weight thing, i wouldn't worry about it. i think you look amazing already. there's no rule that says you can't work out and get fit while KU anyway. it might be harder, but not impossible, right?
so basically my vote: do whatever feels right!
wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts
@anonysquire: Well then! If you're only using 6 of your 12 weeks, you're guaranteed to have 6 available to you for baby #2!
pomegranate / 3414 posts
@anonysquire: if you want to try go for it. I wanted to truly enjoy the newborn/first year with each of mine before actively trying for another. Not everyone loses weight while BF. My body seems to think when I'm BF that it can't let even an ounce of weight go so I never lost anything and was jealous of those who do.
grapefruit / 4649 posts
While the idea of back to back is hard for me to wrap my mind around personally, I think if I were in your shoes I would not try but not prevent for three more months. During that time I would focus on exercise and building a freezer stash in addition to just soaking up your tiny baby. After that, start paying attention to TTC. I figure the first few months I personally won't be up for tons of baby making activities plus it's doubtful your body will be starting that process again so why add the extra stress of TTC?
honeydew / 7091 posts
Heck, I say if you want it, go for it! There are plenty of moms who have Irish twins and love it! My mom and her sister were 13 months apart - my Granny kept pushing em out for a couple more years!
I'm up 30 pounds with pregnancy #2, and the weight isn't a huge issue for me. Yeah, I wish I had less weight = less pressure on my body, but I couldn't wait any longer. Plus, no guarantees you'll get pregnant right away, so it might not even be an issue. I know a lot of people have trouble getting pregnant while breastfeeding, so you could be looking at 5+ months.
If you want babies close in age (or want to hurry up and be done having all your babies - that's where I am right now!), then that's what you want
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
Honestly, even after a 2+ year break between pregnancies I'm still not where I would LOVE to be!
I think the one thing that I am happy about in waiting is that a) I was able to really enjoy and learn the infant/baby stage with her. It was all so new and changing so fast, I can't imagine really being able to enjoy another pregnancy and that stage at the same time. Totally can be done, but I like to shop and research things and plan and with them that close I wouldn't have been able to. and B) I think waiting a bit will be better for our family and still be able to get out because my daughter is a bit more independent. She can put on her own shoes, go to the bathroom, etc.
coconut / 8681 posts
Coming from someone who actually has kids 13.5 months apart, there are definite pros and cons either way.
Yes, it was easier for me to be newly pregnant with a fairly young baby. He still napped 3 times a day and I'd nap with him when I was exhausted in the first tri. He was just barely starting solids so his meals were easy (purees)- on the days I was feeling really sick I didn't have to worry about preparing him food. Yes, I love how close together my kids are. Elliot was young enough when Emery was born that I don't think he really understood to be jealous. He adapted quickly to having her here and he ADORES her.
But....being pregnant with a young toddler who was old enough to want to be independent but too young to communicate well was very very challenging. The end of my pregnancy was very difficult because he didn't understand (obviously) why I couldn't play with him on the floor, etc. I had a LOT of mommy guilt about it. I kind of wish that I could've enjoyed those early toddler days more instead of just being pregnant and miserable.
I also had my hard baby first. Elliot was very difficult and if Emery was the same way that he was I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be surviving right now. Luckily she's the easier baby. But every baby is different and even though your first is easy that does not guarantee that your second will be easy and you never know how challenging of a toddler #1 will be (and you'd be potentially dealing with those challenges while caring for a newborn).
coconut / 8681 posts
P.S. Oh, another pro though- back to back pregnancies don't necessarily have to be really hard on your body. I've bounced back (with a lot of work, but still) fairly quickly from my second pregnancy and I don't feel like being pregnant for essentially 2 years in a row has "ruined" me.
blogger / pomelo / 5361 posts
@anonysquire: I know my situation is different since I never had only one child, but I wanted to weigh in with my 2 cents. I would advise to give yourself until Z is at least 3 months old to decide when to start TTC. The first few weeks in some ways are a lot easier because they haven't really "woken up" yet, even though they may be waking up a lot more at night still. Babies change soo much the first 3 months, and that will give you time to get settled in, really establish your supply for BF, give your body a chance to thoroughly heal, and frankly, to just bask in the beauty of your little girl! Even though your first pregnancy was smooth, your next one might be a little rougher, and it would be so nice to have at least a couple months just enjoying the wonder of being a mama! You're 25, and you can have a lotta babies in the next 10-15 years even if you give yourself 3 months after each pregnancy. I'm 32, and we think we want 4 kids, so I get the idea that when you want several kids you can feel time pressure even when others tell you that you "have time." Not to get all cliche, however, but they grow up so insanely fast and you'll want to remember every second of her tiny days!
Now, that said, I LOVE having my two littles. I love, love, love watching them as they start to notice each other and interact. Sibling love is just the best thing in the world. Having 2 under 1 (now under 2) is really challenging, but you get twice the giggles, twice the slobbery kisses, twice the joy in watching them discover new things. If I had only one the first time, I think I would have been ready around 8-10 months to try for another.
At the end of the day, we can all weigh in and tell you our opinion, but you have to go with your heart and do what's right for Z, you, and your DH! Enjoy those newborn snuggles. I miss them!
ETA: Plus, you might get twins next time and have 3 under 1!
grapefruit / 4663 posts
@anonysquire: I haven't lost much weight breastfeeding! Also I've been ready to ttc number 2 but my body hasn't figured it out yet and DS is now 6.5 months.
grapefruit / 4800 posts
We started TTC when LO was a little over a year. I was still breastfeeding and wasn't fertile yet so it was kind of frustrating thinking we were TTC but there was just no way it was going to happen since I wasn't having my period. We ended up getting pregnant 6 months later (so I haven't had my period in a really long time) but I'd rather have waited when I knew fertility was returning then mentally going through a bunch of negatives pregnancy tests.
bananas / 9229 posts
@anonysquire: For real 10+? Or in a perfect world 10+? What does DH think? I haven't had a baby so I don't know what happens afterwards... But, I think the points about your health, baby getting a little older (sleeping, eating, etc. issues) and breastfeeding and whatnot are all very valid. I wouldn't wait simply so you could lose weight or anything first but for health concerns I would.
pea / 11 posts
There are some risks to pregnancies that close together, both for you and for the baby. Read more here:
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