DD is almost 20 months and we'd been on a 1x a day night nursing routine for a while now. It had always been part of her bedtime routine, and she would freak out if i even tried to put her in her crib before a nursing session.
Well, today was night #2 where she was totally fine with me not nursing her! Yesterday, she was running around her room and when i asked her if she wanted "nai nai" (milk) she yelled, "no!" Before we sat in our chair, i said, "okay, no nai nai, remember?" and she was totally cool with it. We just rocked back and forth, i sang a few songs and then she went to bed. Tonight, same thing!
I have to admit, there's a teeny tiny part of me that's sad. But a bigger part of me is thrilled that she did it on her own without any tears or protest. I really hope this continues!!
For those of you who weaned later on (post 1 year), did you have any setbacks where they wanted it a few days/weeks/months later?