So I was just in a staff meeting of about 30 people, 25 of them being men, and one of them (a young single guy) mentioned how there were two Mother's Rooms being built and suggested that they should be open to everyone to use for the sake of privacy (like if you needed to call your doctor, you would go into one of these privacy rooms to do it). And I basically just flipped my lid, haha. I basically said that the new Mother's Rooms were needed for the mother's and that the current Mother's Room was in the rear mill (the crappy old part of the building) and that it was booked full all day and so we needed the new rooms and we probably didn't want to share!

Then I felt embarrassed for being so passionate about not sharing the rooms with everyone and that maybe I was being selfish... and also that I basically announced that I was milking my boobs at work during the day! Eeek!