So this is the 3rd week now of low pumping output at work. Before I could pump 12-15 ounces a day, only pumping twice. I was freezing around an extra 3-4 ounces almost everyday. Now I'm barely pumping 10 ounces and yesterday only 9.
My boobs just feel way more depleted and empty all the time. I would at least wake up in the morning feeling full, but now that doesn't even happen anymore.
DS is 11 months and turns one in only 3 weeks. He only drinks around 10 ounces at daycare. He is iffy with the solid foods. Some days eating a lot and some days hardly eating any. I have probably around 200 ounces frozen. I would really like to continue breastfeeding him at the very least in the mornings and evenings after he turns one.
I wonder if it's even worth it to try and increase my supply? Is this dip in supply normal around this age? Is it because he's finally eating more solid food and nursing less?