persimmon / 1388 posts
5 months until Christmas...the holiday season is by far my favorite time of the year! I enjoy baking xmas cookies, putting up decorations, and the overall meriment of the season!
No updates - still TTCing "au naturale." My annual OBGYN exam is late September and I haven't decided if I'm moving forward with testing or throwing in the towel and asking for a BCP script Yup, I'm that annoyed.
@GreenThumb: Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about the beta. I'll be praying for your numbers to rise!!
pear / 1986 posts
Thanks for the thoughts and prayers everyone. We'll see what the next beta says, maybe we had an early implanter that didn't make it and a late implanter that is just getting going. If it wasn't meant to be, it wasn't meant to be.
kiwi / 533 posts
My favorite part of the holiday season is decorating and spoiling others with gifts
Update: siting around waiting until Tuesday. I will then have my 3rd u/s to check the size of my uterine bleed and fx see the heartbeat. Was going to go tomorrow- but didn't want to ruin my weekend if news wasn't good. Please fx for me !
kiwi / 533 posts
@bluestriped bee: you better have fun on vacation !!!!! I was in Florida the week before my HSG and relaxed so much I think it put my body in a better environment for those spermies. Or- just coincidence !
kiwi / 533 posts
@GreenThumb: I wouldn't get too caught up in the #! I I have friends who had a 1st beta of less than 10!!!!!! Fx
pear / 1986 posts
@mrs bunchy: Thank you for the vote of confidence! I just wish the IVF nurse sounded as optimistic!
kiwi / 533 posts
@GreenThumb: I know how you feel! I always freak myself out about the #'s- but they are just a # right? Either way, today, you are pregnant.
cantaloupe / 6630 posts
Ooooh I LOVE the holidays! I think my favourites are the way the twinkly lights make everything look magical on cold frosty nights, but also the smells associated with Christmas, like gingerbread and peppermint, yum!
I'm currently in my first TWW post miscarriage. Itwas a race against time to ovulate because my health coverage ran out on Saturday so I could only go to the clinic for ultrasounds and blood until then. Anyway, literally on the last day, my LH shot up and we got instructions to get down to business . JUST in the nick of time!!
@mrs bunchy: Fingers crossed love
persimmon / 1479 posts
I love eating Christmas cookies...but not actually making them although, every year I think it's a good idea to go crazy and spend the whole days in the kitchen making different batches. Spritz are my fave! In the middle of it I'm always questioning why I decide to do it year after year!
I also really like crafting my own Christmas cards. I went crazy a few days ago and pinned a bunch of ideas from Pinterest. Am I nuts for wanting to get started on these.....oh tomorrow?
@leialou: good luck with your decision. I also hope you find a therapist you like!
@bluestriped bee: Good luck with your next IUI. I hope you have a fun and relaxing vaca!
@greenthumb: I'm sorry to hear about the beta news
@purplepumps: Ugh, I feel you on the unpredictability part. So annoying!
@lindsayinny: Yayy for an IUI soon
@ameliabedilia: I'm sorry I hate when things conflict like that.
@boopers: I can't imagine how exciting that must have been to see the positive!
@fliegepilzhut: How exciting that your ultrasound is coming up yay!
@Kelli_Deluxe: Wow, 7 mo sounds tough I'm sorry and hope it goes by fast. At least you'll have IVF to look forward to in the spring!
@mrsbunchy: Thinking of you and hope you can see the heartbeat.
@travelgirl1: Wow, sounds like you lucked out with a surge at the last minute! Hope you're lucky with a bfp too!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: That sounds like a great plan! Hopefully you won't need IVF!!!
@mrs bunchy: I hope you can relax this weekend. Sending good thoughts for your U/S on Tuesday!
@GreenThumb: FX for you!
with your TWW!!!
@winter_wonder: Thank you!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: because of DH's translocation we could go through IVF and PGD and not have any viable embryos. The stims were kind of tough of me too.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: I'm so sorry that you are a cautionary tale. What happened during your cycle is the last thing anyone would ever hope for... It's just so hard to know what to do with those kind of statistics.
ETA: Can you help me find your blog post?
nectarine / 2433 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: Thank you for chiming in on this thread, I think of your story often (I read your blog) and it has stuck with me as we moved towards IVF. I love to see how big your little man is getting
nectarine / 2433 posts
@FliegepilzHut: See your wall!
@doxielove: I hope that you get a BFP before that appointment and don't need to make that decision.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@mrs bunchy: Hahaha thank you for saying that, I was beginning to worry that I was the only one who did this and everyone was thinking I am a big weirdo!
@travelgirl1: Glad you were able to get all your monitoring done before your coverage ended, silly provincial health care... I hope you are able to get it renewed soon!
@Kelli_Deluxe: Good luck with the lap, please let me know if you have any questions. It sounds like you have a good plan together for your next steps.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@mrswin: Thank you! I think I was having a hard time finding it because I was using my phone's browser.
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Boopers: good memory! Yes thank goodness on the weather as we needed a transition period. I think I am getting used to it because when I see high of only 97 I think "nice out let's do something outside today!"
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Mrs Green Grass: Thank you!!! Your post was well-written and extremely fair-minded. I hope that I would maintain the same composure and grace, if I were ever in similar circumstances.
kiwi / 636 posts
Faithfertility: Due Date 12/17, saw heartbeat 5/1!
Bhbee: saw heartbeat 5/22!
Catchafallingstar: EDD 1/15/15
EmilyE: BFP 5/12, saw sac on 5/20, beta #1: 79, beta #2: 226, beta#3
Happygal: BFP 5/15 beta #1: 36, beta #2: 238
PastaAndPotato: BFP beta #1: 9.4, beta #2: 151, beta #3: 456!
MrsTal: EDD: 2/7, Beta#1: 26, Beta #2: 89
Mrs Bunchy: BFP 7/8/14, Beta #1: 44.2 Beta #2: 324, u/s 7/18
FliegepilzHut: BFP 7/15
GreenThumb: BFP 7/21
Boopers: BFP 7/23
Hanging Out
Mrs. Polish: 6 month wait list for new doctor
Mrs. Piñata: using some essential oils and Vitex; seeing chiropractor and Naturopath; re-evaluating in Sept/Oct
PurplePumps: unmedicated cycle, then start IVF next cycle
Winter_Wonder: Femara, IUI#1
BeeBee: Femara, ovidrel, IUI #1
MrsWin: ER 7/22 retrieved 17!, f/u 7/24
Jenn23: ER 8/2 or 8/3
Shutterbug: waiting for results
Just_Ju: moving onto IVF in August (yay insurance!)
Macintosh: start stims on 8/3, ER 8/14 for IVF with ICSI
babycanuck: 7DPO progesterone test on 7/30, results appt with dr on 8/12
Robyn_ZA: lap on 7/16, IVF consult 7/29
Warbler: will be setting up appt with RE for IVF with ICSI
owlteach: RE appt 8/18
Kelli_Deluxe: looking for new RE in AZ
bluestripedbee: Femara, CD9 u/s 7/29, IUI#3 7/30 & 7/31
LindsayInNY: Clomid, IUI 8/2 (?)
FliegepilzHut: u/s and f/u appt 7/30
Kelli_Deluxe: lap 9/19, clomid IUI in October
Mrs Bunchy: 3rd u/s on 7/29
Life & Updates
alohaorchid: brand new house being built, new job
doxielove: house hunting in the fall
Sunshine1810: new golden puppy Isis!
Boopers: new job!
TheSwissWifeStyle: getting new tattoo of koi and lotus
owlteach: Europe 2016 with students
bluestripedbee: Disney World in August!
Kelli_Deluxe: seeing DH during long weekend and in September during fertile window before deployment; moving to AZ
PurplePumps: FL trip!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@lazypanda: Thank you! Wishing you luck and high spirits as always!
kiwi / 636 posts
Sorry ladies if I don't get to responding to everyone, this thread moves so quickly!
@leialou: I'm glad you got some good information from your appt. I hope you do find a therapist you are comfortable with. I would suggest checking to see if your RE has knows of any they work with. Another option is to check the licensing board of where you live. In California, you can search for licensed and unlicensed therapists through the Board of Behavioral Sciences website and search by city/county/discipline.
@greenthumb: I hope its just early. Hoping for doubling/tripling numbers for you! also, if you check the thread, pastaandpotatos' beta #1 was only 9.4 & her numbers increased!
@fliegepilzhut: I am still thinking twins, or triplets?
@Kelli_Deluxe: good to see you back! I hope the move goes well and that your DH gets back to you safe and sound!
@mrsbunchy: sending lots of positive thoughts your way.
@MrsWin: FX that you get to transfer and be in your TWW soon!
@bluestripedbee: I hope your follicles cooperate and you're able to get in that IUI before you go on vacation!
@LindsayinNY: FX that it's one (IUI) and done for you!
@HappyGal: We're going to a baseball game and definitely looking forward to that. The weather has been beautiful during the day. I've already got my team blanket to use in case it gets cold (we're going to a night game).
AFM, It took me 2 hours to get to my acupuncture appt due to traffic after work so I got to my appt right on time. Once I got to the office, I immediately knew AF was making its arrival. Today I had the needle in my belly to help with blood flow. My acupuncturist said that it'll help with shedding my lining to get out all the old blood which may be impacting the implantation process when I am in the TWW. If AF arrived tomorrow instead of today, I was seriously considering going back on clomid for IUI#3. But since it came today, it doesn't fit my schedule for taking time off. So its another unmedicated cycle for me but at least I feel very clear headed.
I love Christmas as my family does a white elephant every year and we always have fun vying for the desirable gifts and groaning over the gag gifts.
nectarine / 2600 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Great numbers!
I LOVE Christmas!! But usually only when we spend it with my parents! And this year we are! (We trade off every year between staying here to spend it with his parents, and going to spend it with mine.) So this year, we'll be going to Florida to spend it with my parents. Unfortunately, my parents are leaving Cuba in November, so that is kind of sad (But I'm visiting there before-hand
) And I have a really good friend that lives in Jacksonville, so I'll get to see her while we are there. My mom always makes the Holidays special, and I can't wait to do that for kids of my own.
So, anyway...AF showed up yesterday. We start injectables on Saturday already! Then on Aug. 2nd (cd 10) I'll get a follie scan, and trigger soon after that I'm assuming. We're doing TI. When we did injectables last time, we got pg on the first try, so...?!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@lazypanda: I'm thinking twins...or a very robust singleton? But we'll see next week...! So glad the acupuncture is treating you well! Hopefully that will be all it takes to get you your
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Thank you! Wishing you lots of luck this cycle!
BTW-- I would love to see Cuba someday! How long will you stay?
nectarine / 2600 posts
@FliegepilzHut: 3 weeks. Although I should clarify that I grew up on base! So it's just like plopping a small town from the US on an island in the Caribbean. Well, kind of! If that small town is a military base I definitely do want to see "real" Cuba some day though.
And thanks for the luck!!!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Ah...I see. Still sounds like a great vacation to me! I wonder when the (American) gov't will start opening up tourism to Cuba?
persimmon / 1404 posts
I don’t even want to think about Christmas right now!! But, if I have to, I love decorating and baking for the holidays.
@leialou: that’s exciting that you have a plan forward! I think therapy sounds like a good idea too, I don’t think it could hurt to have someone to talk to about this stuff. I hope someone calls you back soon
@bluestriped bee: good luck with the IUI! It’s kinda nice that you will be on vacation during the TWW so hopefully it distracts you a little. Plus, Disney will be so much fun!
@beebee: sorry about the BFN, but 8dpo is still early so you’re not out yet! Fx!
@greenthumb: I’m so sorry *huge hugs*
@purplepumps: ooh, I forgot about the time off!! I think I love holiday time off the most. My company gives 1.5 weeks and I can’t wait, and we’re moving just before Christmas too.
@jenn23: so exciting that you’re well on your way, August will be here before we know it! GL!
@lindsayinny: it seems like next weekend is going to be an exciting few days for this group. GL!
@ameliabedilia: that is a tough decision, is there any way you could run it from somewhere else and not physically be there? What did you end up deciding to do?
@boopers: sounds like I’m a little late, but congrats!!
@fliegepilzhut: Omg I didn’t know, huge congrats to you!!!
@kelli_deluxe: I’m sorry that you’re feeling this way, I can’t even imagine how hard it must be to have him gone for 7 months, especially when TTC. I hope it goes by fast!
@mrs bunchy: Um… what?! You’re pregnant too?! This is SO AWESOME!! Congratulations!!!
@travelgirl1: I have everything crossed for you!
AFM, went to the doctor yesterday. It was a chemical pregnancy/early miscarriage. I’m not even sure how I feel… all night I just felt out of it and wanted to cry but I couldn’t, so I had a bath to see if it would relax me. It did a little bit but I still had a horrible pit in my stomach.
nectarine / 2433 posts
@lazypanda: Sorry it took you so long to get to your appointment yesterday....we deal with some pretty bad traffic here too so I can sympathize with that. Enjoy your time off!
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Growing up on base sounds like such an interesting experience!
@FliegepilzHut: No problem
nectarine / 2433 posts
@alohaorchid: I'm sorry The silver lining for me would be that now you have a little more information to work with. It would seem that at least the sperm and egg met. I think I remember you saying that you had a loss previously, would you consider doing the RPL testing to see if there is an issue that could be fixed fairly easily. I know there are a few bees who were able to get pregnant once the doctor identified some issues and treated it with something as simple as an aspirin regime, etc
pear / 1556 posts
@Boopers: I am SO happy for you!!! Congratulations!!!
@FliegepilzHut: Amazing numbers! Yay!!
@Kelli_Deluxe: I am so sorry about all the timing issues! I can't imagine how hard it is being away from your DH! It sounds like you have a great plan though. I know I always feel better when I have a solid plan! Good luck to you!
@mrs bunchy: Sending lots of positive thoughts and prayers your way!
@travelgirl1: Great! Good luck to you!!
@GreenThumb: I am so sorry!! *HUGS*
@TheSwissWifeStyle: Good luck!!!
@alohaorchid: I am so sorry! *HUGS*
nectarine / 2433 posts
Cross posting from the IVF thread...
My little embryo update for today I won't get a call tomorrow so I have to wait until transfer day for any other information.
8 that are 7-8 cells
1 that is 12 cells
2 that are 4-5 cells
Really hoping that our LO is in there somewhere
pear / 1548 posts
@alohaorchid: @Sunshine1810: thanks ladies!
I got bloodwork done today and won't get my results until Monday. Trying to stay relaxed but it's going to be a long weekend!
Anyone have big plans for this weekend?
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Sunshine1810: Thanks! I'm hoping your next cycle will be your !!!
@alohaorchid: Thank you! That was IVF #1...and it's still very early, so I'm a bit tentative... I'm so sorry you had to go through that...
I would take it as a positive in the long-term though, especially if you and DH decide that you want to pursue treatment sometime in the future. Wishing you the very best!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@mrswin: Wonderful news!
@Boopers: I'm up at the lake with family... Stinking hard to stay busy and distracted and hopeful and, above all, quiet, isn't it? Hope you have a good weekend!
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