There are only 5 months until Christmas What is your favourite part of the holiday season?
There are only 5 months until Christmas What is your favourite part of the holiday season?
nectarine / 2433 posts
I love making Christmas cookies and wrapping presents. Every year I buy colour coordinated wrapping paper so under my tree is styled! LOL
I am waiting for the call today about our embryos, if all goes well we will be doing a day-5 transfer on Sunday. The only big decision left will be whether to transfer one or two
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@mrswin: I hope you get a good report today!
I love decorating, wrapping gifts, and giving everyone their gifts! DH's family throws a white elephant party every year and I really look forward to that. Everyone has to bring a homemade gift and his family is really creative and crafty.
We met with our RE on Monday. We got a lot lf good information from her. We're deciding between IVF again with PGD or embryo adoption. We are leaning towards embryo adoption though. There are two clinics we could go to, one in FL and one in TN. It'll be a few months before we actually do anything though because we need to save money.
We are also trying to find a therapist. I think it will be good for us to talk to someone. I haven't been able to get anyone on the phone or to call me back though! It's really frustrating.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
Favorite part about the holidays is traveling home and the time off!
As for me, day 3 was yesterday, so I'm taking femera for the next 4 days. Day 9 u/s is scheduled for Tuesday. Hope to trigger that day, so IUIs will be the next two days (Wed & Thurs). Then taking a red-eye flight to Disney World on Friday night.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@mrswin: Hope you get good news!
@Leialou: Oh, exciting. Are there not any clinics in TX that do embryo adoption? Bummer about trying to find a therapist. Hope someone one calls you back soon.
coffee bean / 26 posts
My favorite part is all the delicious yummy food. Homemade dressing, turkey and candied yams. I can't wait!
I am still on my TWW. I caved and took a test on 8 DPO and of course get a BFN. I am still trying to wait until AF is late before I test again which will be next Wed.
Hope all you ladies are doing well. Good luck @Mrswin on your transfer. @Leialou I wish you best of luck on your decision on what steps to take next. @Bluestriped bee good luck on this cycle. I hope it turns out to be a good month for all of us!!!
apricot / 428 posts
I know right! i cant believe how much this year has flown by! but we are excited for the holidays this year, we just bought a house so i think decorating outside is going to be amazing this year!! we can not wait!! I love baking as well! but trying to cut back on the sweets!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@bluestriped bee: there isn't any sort of clinic that had embryos you can adopt that will also do the FET. I would have to travel for the consultation and so testing then the monitoring appoitments would be handled by my RE. I would travel again for the transfer. It's not too bad.
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@BrentLee88: haha good point about the sweets Christmas is the worst for any kind of carb-cutting I try to do! Glad to see you on here.
@Leialou: I'm so happy to see you with plans to move forward! Embryo adoption sounds like such an amazing thing, but it's a shame you wouldn't be able to do it more locally.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@Beebee: Thanks. Yeah, I think 8 DPO is still early. There's still hope.
@Leialou: Oh, I see. Yeah, that's not too bad to travel for the FET. Don't people take a few days off anyway for the FET? It will be a mini vacation for you, too, when it comes time.
pear / 1986 posts
We did not receive good news from our 1st beta. It was 17 so it is likely a chemical pregnancy. We will repeat on Saturday, but I don't think this is our time.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@GreenThumb: I'm so sorry. I have no idea, but could it go up by Sunday?
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@GreenThumb: I'm so sorry.
@bluestriped bee: yep! Or DH and I have always taken a couple days off after. I've never been to Ft Myers or Knoxville so it would be like a mini vaca.
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@mrswin: keeping my fingers crossed for a great report today for you! we have already decided we will be transferring 2 when the time comes. The way we see it is, we want more than one, so we could just get that done in one shot, and we're ok with twins. We saw it as, if we transfer 1 and it doesn't work, we'd be more upset than if we transferred 2 and got twins. And if we transfer 2 and it didn't work, well, my RE wont do more, so we did all that we could.
@bluestriped bee: wow! That's cutting it close!
We decided to go med free cause we're going to Orlando next Sat and I was worried that O would happen over vacation and I couldn't get monitored. Turns out last cycle was super short... I hate how unpredictable I am, even while on meds!
@GreenThumb: I'm sorry, there's still hope though if its early. I've read that it's not the actual number that really matters as much as how quickly it doubles.
I love decorating for Xmas and that I get 2 weeks off every year! And it's my birthday.
hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts
@PurplePumps: I'm hoping it goes off without a hitch because last month I triggered on Day 9. Last month, I started my femera a day late and this month I made sure I started it on day 3, so I'm hoping that there's a very good chance I will trigger next Tuesday.
ETA: Wait! You'll be in Orlando next Saturday?!? Me, too!! My schedule is really busy and I don't know if I will have access to a car but maybe we should try to meet up. If you are going to Disney or Universal, maybe we can cross paths.
persimmon / 1085 posts
@GreenThumb: I saw your post in the IVF thread. I'm so sorry and hope the number jumps!! ((hugs)) Thinking of you!!
@Boopers That is amazing news! Congrats!!
@Leialou: I'm so happy to hear you are looking into embryo adoption. I spent many months researching that for us to look into if IVF #1 didn't work. Can't wait to hear an update when you decide on what to do. I'm glad you are moving forward and excited for you!!
Day 3 of stims today. Tomorrow is my first ultrasound and blood draw. Estimated retrieval early August around the 2nd or 3rd. Can't come soon enough!!
Favorite part of Christmas is everything but the shopping! The shopping stresses me out every year. But I love Christmas songs, cold weather (yes, I love cold weather!) and snow, Christmas movies, being with family, yummy dinner, Christmas cookies. All of it!
bananas / 9229 posts
I like holiday parties!! And the sweets
No real update here. On day #4 of Clomid, going back in on Monday for another u/s to see how I'm responding. If I respond like last time, I'm anticipating an IUI next weekend (Aug 2 maybe?). Last time I started to surge on my own but I do have a trigger shot at home so that's hopefully the plan!
pear / 1556 posts
I definitely can't believe it is that close to Christmas! I don't even want to think about all the shopping I have to do! My favorite part of the holidays is seeing family, watching Christmas movies, and baking!
@mrswin: Such a tough choice. We ended up going with two, but I have had some friends just do one.
@Leialou: Good luck with your decision! I have just started researching that (or donor eggs) for DH and I, just in case IVF continues not to work for us. I think we want to try 2 more cycles before we look into it further.
@bluestriped bee: Good luck this cycle! I hope you have a wonderful trip to Disney. I LOVE it there so much!
@GreenThumb: I am SO sorry to hear that. *HUGS*
@Beebee: FX for you!!
@Jenn23: I am SOOO excited for you! Can't wait for updates!!!
persimmon / 1085 posts
@mrswin: I missed your comment earlier about whether to transfer one or two. Which way are you leaning right now? How do you feel when you think of the idea of twins?
@Sunshine1810: Thanks!!
nectarine / 2192 posts
I appreciate the time off and the shopping deals. Terrible, I know!
DH and I had a rough conversation last night. I have been trying to get selected to run a conference for 2 years (4 days, 1.5 hour plane ride away), and I finally got selected (and very unlikely I ever will again). It is right around the due date if I were to get pregnant. DH thinks we should keep trying, but that I can't go to the conference if I get pregnant this cycle or next. I am so frustrated with giving things up for TTC, and want to figure out a way I can have my cake and eat it too. Yes, I am pouting, but on our 17th cycle with no BFPs, and punctuated by what I thought was implantation bleeding turned into AF which I NEVER get, I am so frustrated and angry.
pear / 1556 posts
I forgot to add my update...probably because there isn't much of one! I am just waiting for AF so I can start BCP. Hopefully next week! FX!!
bananas / 9229 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Can you run the conference without attending, if you couldn't travel?
nectarine / 2433 posts
@Leialou: Thanks! I am so thrilled you have decided what your next steps will be How much information do they give you about the couple who's embryo you will be getting? I hope you find a therapist who is a good fit, did the RE have any suggestions?
@bluestriped bee: Thanks! I hope your timing works out for your IUI and you have a great time at Disney!
@Beebee: You have lots of time still to get a You could test at 12dpo and get a pretty accurate response
@GreenThumb: I'm sorry, FX that maybe it is just a slow start and it doubles for the next one.
@BrentLee88: Decorating a whole house sounds fun....and expensive! lol
@PurplePumps: Thanks! We have gone back and forth on whether we will do one or two, ultimately I think it will depend on how many we have at that point and whether or not we will have some to freeze. We did ICSI so it scares me that we could put two and end up with three or more... Do you like having a Christmas birthday? My sister always complains about the combo gifts!
@Jenn23: Good luck tomorrow. Busy malls stress me out so I try to do as much shopping as I can early or online, etc
@LindsayInNY: The trigger shot won't be too bad.
@Sunshine1810: It is a big decision for sure
nectarine / 2433 posts
@Jenn23: See my comment to PurplePumps above. I worry about the possibility of higher order multiples because of the ICSI, I am probably be crazy paranoid...
pear / 1548 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: @mrswin: @winter_wonder: @FaithFertility: @lazypanda: @MrsMccarthy: @bluestriped bee: @FliegepilzHut: @TheSwissWifeStyle: @Happygal: @alohaorchid: @GreenThumb: @Jenn23:
Thanks ladies for the congrats in last week's thread. We told our immediate families because DH was just too excited to tell his parents. I am really hoping that it sticks. Feeling really cautious about it though. I'm waiting for the nurse at my doctor's office to call me back.
I called DH at work yesterday right after I tested. I hadn't had any spotting pre-AF like I normally do and my boobs hurt which is normal before AF, so I wasn't expecting anything at all when I tested. I thought I saw a line as it was drying but I didn't want to get excited so I brushed my teeth and left the room and when I came back it was positive. I had never seen a positive pregnancy test in person before that! I freaked and called him because I couldn't wait for him to get home.
pear / 1548 posts
@Leialou: I'm excited for your next steps!
@mrswin: that's so exciting!
@bluestriped bee: yay! Does that mean you'll be able to squeeze in the IUI before your vacation?
@LindsayInNY: Crossing my fingers for you!
@GreenThumb: I am so sorry about your beta
@AmeliaBedilia: I really hope you find a solution with your conference! I know how important it is to you.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
I love getting all cozy by the fire and drinking hot spiced cider. Oh, and the delicious food. And seeing family.
@Leialou: I'm so happy to hear! Looking forward to hearing more about your process!
@bluestriped bee:
@PurplePumps: I'm excited that you're getting started so soon!
@LindsayInNY: FX for you!
@AmeliaBedilia: Would you take a month off? It sounds like a great opportunity!
@Boopers: Wishing you a H&H 9 months... I am still way too gun-shy to join the Due Date Threads...but I hope to see you over there in a few weeks or months! When is your EDD?
@mrswin: Higher-order multiples are pretty terrifying to me... But my clinic said the only triplets they have seen have been due to transferring (by pt demand) more than 2... Overall, I think it's a 1-2% chance of identical twinning with IVF/ICSI. I wonder what your clinic's experience has been? Thinking of you and wishing you
My update: I had a good beta yesterday (4949 at 5w3days) and am looking forward to my first U/S next Wednesday!
pear / 1548 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Thanks! It looks like my EDD is April 1. I do not want to be the one to start the April thread! lol I'll probably wait to join once someone else creates the thread and once I've either gotten an ultrasound or beta done. What is your EDD?
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Boopers: 3/22 (according to IVF calculators)! I will still come over and visit on the April Thread!
pomegranate / 3809 posts
@bluestriped bee: That would be so awesome to meet you! But we don't get in until midnight Sat and my in laws are picking us up so we don't have to rent a car. Then we're headed out to Cocoa Beach for the whole week. I'm so not looking forward to the heat and humidity there!
@mrswin: I don't mind at all! DH and I joke that part of the reason he's with me is that he can't forget my bday, cause he's AWFUL with dates!
apricot / 288 posts
Holy cow! I feel like I've been away forever from the boards! Not a whole lot has been going on per say, just trying to get my life in order for this deployment. I FINALLY set up our move out, booked plane tickets for pre-deployment leave, and nailed down a few other things. Our 1yr wedding anniversary is next weekend and I'm officially going through withdrawals from my DH. We get next weekend together, then leave vacation, thennnnn he's gone for 7mo
On the IF front, bc the leave dates changed, I won't be with DH again for TI, which majorly sucks. I'm way more disappointed than I can tell him. I decided to go ahead and schedule my lap surgery. My consult is Aug 6, surgery is Sept 19. I know there may not be anything they can do for my right tube, but I do want them to go in and check everything so when I start inseminating or it's time for IVF, I know we've covered all the bases. I'm looking forward to starting clomid + inseminating in Oct! Annnnd I don't know if I've said here, but we officially decided to do IVF in the Spring when DH gets home! My consult with the new fertility center is Oct 1!
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@GreenThumb: lots of hugs
@Jenn23: I love cold weather too! too bad we moved to Texas . . .
cantaloupe / 6086 posts
@Kelli_Deluxe: I'm sorry about the timing of everything, but exciting that you have lots of plans to move forward! good luck with the lap!
pear / 1548 posts
@bhbee: not to thread jack, but you moved to DFW right? It's been so mild and nice this summer! We have been soaking it in as much as we can!
apricot / 288 posts
@mrswin: Eeeek! So exciting!!
@bluestriped bee: Yay for Disney World! That will be fun! Have you ever been? I'm hoping we can squeeze in a trip to Epcot during our trip!
@Leialou: I'm happy you're figuring things out! Do you mind if I ask why you're considering embryo adoption vs PGD?
@GreenThumb: Praying that number starts to rise
@Jenn23: About a week to go!! Thinking of you
@AmeliaBedilia: I would agree to do the conference and let whatever happens, happen. If you get a bfp the next couple cycles, you'll have plenty of time to let your bosses know. And if not, you're fulfilling your desire to run the conference, which is equally awesome! P.S. Glad to see you on these threads!
@Boopers: Congratulations! I just caught up with last weeks board!
@FliegepilzHut: Great numbers!
pomelo / 5628 posts
Hi guys...I'm checking in because of Bluestriped Bee's thread the other day! Wishing you all the best! (I had my LO with IVF#1 w/ ICSI. Transferred 2, ended up with 4, one vanished, then 3.) I hate being the cautionary tale, but it sure can happen! I wrote blog post on eSET if anyone wants to read it.
Big hugs
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