Hi everyone! I didn't see a check-in for today, so I thought I would start one.
What's new in your TTC journey and with Thanksgiving just a week away, what are you thankful for?
Hi everyone! I didn't see a check-in for today, so I thought I would start one.
What's new in your TTC journey and with Thanksgiving just a week away, what are you thankful for?
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
I am 10 days past IUI and not feeling hopeful. But, we found out we will have some infertility insurance coverage next year! Not a LOT, but enough that we may actually be able to afford IVF one time, so we're considering going that route (will involve traveling since our local clinic isn't in-network) and putting adoption on hold since we've had such absolute horrible luck this "go around."
I'm grateful for DH and how he has been kind to me despite the last (almost) 4 years of craziness. I have had some ups, but a whole lot of downs and he has been supportive (although not necessarily always patient... haha) despite all of my meltdowns, jealousy, sadness and anger. I'm grateful to have him!
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Mrs. Pinata: Hooray for IF coverage!
I'm hoping for good news at my monitoring appointment tomorrow, to be followed by a FET next week!
I'm also grateful for my sweet DH. I'm definitely looking forward to spending the holiday with family!
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@FliegepilzHut: That's so exciting that your FET is next week! Crossing all my fingers and toes for you!
kiwi / 533 posts
Not much new on the IF front... Just waiting for the next AF to take b/c and gear up for my hysteroscopy.. I hope for January!!
I am so thankful for my DH. He is my rock and knows how to keep me from losing it... And of course I'm thankful for my little fur doggy she's the closest thing to a baby we have !! I mean- I just gave her a bath.. Hehe.
nectarine / 2192 posts
4DPO here. Oddly hopeful, since I have been less stressed, and only lately realized how much stress I was under at my old job. As crazy as it sounds, I am so hoping that the reason I haven't gotten pregnant is a combination of stress and that God knew it wasn't the right time. I have been feeling a little more hopeful about life in general- like things will start going our way again. I have also done some new things this cycle including some new herbs and resumed acupuncture. Our timing wasn't great this time- O-1, O and O+1. I ovulated 1 day sooner than usual and life has been a little crazy lately.
I am thankful that we have the farm we want under contract, for less than I expected, and we get to renovate the old farmhouse on the land. I am thankful for a much less stressful job that will make pregnancy and having children much easier. The downside of all of this is that it is making people ask more about our plans for kids (grrr!) and apparently it isn't possible to have any big news besides being pregnant.
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: That's all really great news about the farm! Isn't it so annoying when people ask those personal questions- like "are you have ovulation-timed sex with your spouse every month?" I'm so glad you're feeling more optimistic though!
@mrs bunchy: I had a hysteroscopy a few months ago and it was uncomfortable, but totally in the realm of everything else we have to endure with IF. I hope you're able to do that soon to check something else off the list.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Just popping in to send you good wishes for a successful FET next week!
It's hard to know if when you graduate from this group, if the group still wants you around. But just know, I'm thinking of you all and sending good thoughts your way!
pear / 1881 posts
Starting cycle 16, I think. This will be my second cycle of Letrozole (generic femara) and had blood taken today for a TSH test (thyroid). Just trying to remain hopeful.
I'm very, very thankful for my spunky and spitfire of a daughter. I just want to grant her wish of a little brother or sister..
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@sweetooth: @sweetooth: Thank you very much! It looks like all systems are a go...still waiting to get the official word from my RE, though. Personally, I miss catching up with graduates...but am hoping to join you very soon!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
Hey ladies!
I feel like so much is going on in my life right now. So many things are up in the air!
DH and I are holding 1 donor profile but need a backup as well since the donors only have 3 embryos and the clinic wants 6-8. I haven't heard from my clinic since Monday so I'm getting antsy. Each day that goes by means a January transfer is less and less likely. I sent an email a few minutes ago making sure they aren't waiting on me for anything.
I'm thankful that EA gives me a chance to carry my baby. I wouldn't be able to without it.
@Mrs. Pinata: that's great about IF coverage!
@FliegepilzHut: with your FET!!
@AmeliaBedilia: what kind of farm?
persimmon / 1404 posts
I guess the only thing that's new for us is we have decieded not to persue any treament or assistance to get pregnant, so we no longer TTC. Kind of weird since it's been a huge focus for so long for us, but maybe a little freeing at the same time.
I'm not really sure if I belong in this group or site anymore but I'd like to stick around.
We had Thanksgiving a month ago but as far as being thankful, I am so thankful for my husband and our furbabies.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Leialou: Thank you! I hope you get your answer soon and can move ahead quickly!
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@alohaorchid: did you decide to adopt or live child free? I can understand how making the decision to stop TTC can be freeing.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@alohaorchid: That's a really big decision. I can imagine it does feel really freeing to finally decide. I hope you do stick around so you can still have a support system of people who understand your decision. And you're a great support for others as well!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Mrs. Pinata: Infertility insurance coverage! That's great news! Still hoping that this IUI is the one for you. But that is comforting to know you will have some financial support in the new year!
@mrs bunchy: I was totally out for my hysteroscopy procedure. So I didn't feel a thing!
@AmeliaBedilia: Congratulations on the farm - that's amazing! And yes, even though that is AMAZING news, it's like people get baby crazy! Tell them when they ask - UMM, hello? We just BOUGHT A FARM!? Focus people...
@FliegepilzHut: I hope you're not far from joining us too
@Leialou: Wow - so you have made the decision! Congratulations! Do you have another one in mind for backup? I hope your clinic gets back to you soon so you can keep things moving.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@sweetooth: we haven't received any additional profiles yet so no backup right now. I'm still waiting! It's frustrating. But I do realize it's a big decision for the donors so it might take them a little while to agree to donate to us. My clinic reaches out to donors first and then gives us the profiles that say yes.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
I heard from my clinic. They reached out to three more potential donors and are waiting on their response. So it's out of my hands right now.
grapefruit / 4703 posts
@Leialou: glad you heard back! You have to travel for transfer, right? Too bad it wasn't closer by so you'd for sure have a chance at a Jan transfer while you look for a back-up donor. I hope at least 1 of the 3 says yes! Do they get a profile on you two or anything?
nectarine / 2705 posts
@Leialou: I see, thanks for explaining. I'm glad you heard back from your clinic and that there's the potential for three more donors to choose from. It is out of your hands, but you did what you could to keep things moving! Already a proactive mama!
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@alohaorchid: Please stick around! That's a really big decision to make. Sending you hugs. How do you feel about such a big decision? I wonder how long we will continue to try various routes to parenthood before choosing we can't continue. Do you feel a lot of peace about your choice?
@Leialou: I hope you're able to add some back-up embryos soon! Why do they want you to have back-up embryos? Like just in case those 3 don't thaw well?
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@Shutterbug: I do have to travel. That won't hold anything up though. It will be whether the open donation agreement is complete in time.
@Mrs. Pinata: I think my clinic wants me to have backup donors for a few reasons:
-the embryos don't survive being thawed
-the transfer is unsuccessful or I don't carry to term
-the ability to go back for a sibling without having to go through the matching process again.
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@Leialou: That makes sense for #1. I guess I wouldn't have thought you needed back-up embryos before transfer for #2 and #3. That's really good to know thought because we may end up at the same clinic in the future as well.
blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts
@Mrs. Pinata: I think it just speeds up transfer #2 and 3 if they are necessary. Also it saves money if you go with an open donation.
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@Leialou: that's very good to know! Now that you've explained it, that makes total sense. Hopefully the first transfer will be all you need.
persimmon / 1404 posts
I do feel very at peace with our decision. I feel as though everything has been so up in the air for the past 3 years that it feels nice to have some kind of decision made. Having said that, I watched reruns of The Little Couple today and bawled my eyes out. So I think I have quite a while to go in terms of grieving.
We just got the possession date for our house. January 28. Everyone seems to think that will be the date we announce our (non-existent) pregnancy. Ugh.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@alohaorchid: Big hugs! It sounds so hard to feel like people expect a pregnancy announcement. I'm going through that myself with buying property. Wall me if you need to chat.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@alohaorchid: I'm glad you're at peace with your decision. DH and I did a similar bit of soul-searching recently. Congrats on your new house!
persimmon / 1404 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: @FliegepilzHut: @Mrs. Pinata: Thanks ladies! I would like to stick around, even if it's just to see how everything goes for everyone here
persimmon / 1259 posts
This is my first check-in, but I should have been doing it a long time ago. I could really use the support and HelloBee has always been abundant in that. A little history for those who don't know me. We have been TTC for nearly 21 months. I have polycystic ovaries, but none of the hormone imbalances that accompany PCOS, so I find it misleading to say I have PCOS even though that's what my OB says. Without Clomid I have 70+ day cycles. I have had 2 IUIs, both unsuccessful. This last cycle, we had the best timing trying on our own ever, but today is CD1. I am seeing an RE (finally!) on Dec 11th. And we are switching insurance in January to a company that luckily has comprehensive infertility coverage including IVF! Only recently have we finally come clean to our families about our infertility struggle and of course, they are supportive, but none of them have struggled with it themselves so they don't have much advice to offer. I am ever grateful, this holiday season, for my DH who has stuck by my side through some crazy events (some of you know our struggles early summer) and I just pray that our time is coming. We have gotten some adoption information in case that is a route we take, but with IVF being covered, I believe we will attempt that first.
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@sarahnicole218: Nice to "meet" you! Hooray for new IF insurance! Please feel free to join us over on the IVF thread whenever you're ready!
persimmon / 1404 posts
@sarahnicole218: Welcome! Sorry to hear about your IF struggles, but that's great about having IF coverage! This is a super friendly, supportive group of ladies so hopefully that helps a little along your IF journey
pomegranate / 3533 posts
@Mrs. Pinata: @sweetooth: @Leialou: @alohaorchid: Just thought I'd update you all-- my transfer went off without a hitch! Now to wait... Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@FliegepilzHut: Yay! Great news!
AF started today, so this IUI is a bust. We hope to try 2 more, depending on when I O the next couple of months.
nectarine / 2705 posts
@FliegepilzHut: So glad to hear it went well! Sending lots of luck your way
And a sprinkle of magic too. I think a dash of magic is part of the success for BFPs to happen
blogger / pear / 1563 posts
@sarahnicole218: I'm so sorry to hear about your long journey. I'm glad you are here to find some support. And I hope you get lots of good help from the RE! That's great news about insurance and IVF!
nectarine / 2705 posts
@sarahnicole218: I'm sorry that your IUI was unsuccessful this time. Maybe with the RE, you can still discuss IUIs and try a few monitored cycles?
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