I always thought I'd breastfeed, but I really want to quit right now. DD is 3 weeks and we've struggled really hard with feeding. She was diagnosed with a nearly complete tongue tie and a partial lip tie in the hospital after doing a lot of damage to my nipples. We had both revised with a laser and were assured there'd be immediate improvement, but there hasn't been. I developed deep, open cracks/crevices at the base of the nipples where they meet the areola. I have had 3 outpatient consultations with two different IBCLCs, worked extensively on her latch, gone to a breastfeeding support group, and am now being treated for thrush with gentian violet and APNO. I hate every second of breastfeeding. I dread her waking up and feeding her. My nipples won't heal and it's making me miserable. I can't even pump because where the wounds are rubs against the flange. I'm so tempted to switch to formula but DH wants me to stick it out.
I have a history of anxiety and depression, which I'm medicated for, and I feel like this whole ordeal is really bad for my mental health.
I'm looking for stories of making the switch to formula to had a positive impact! Or just commiseration...