If your preschool is closed in the summer are you planning to enroll LO in any activities for those months?
We haven't done any formal activities beyond a parent/child playgroup for my daughter who will be 4 in April. She's been in daycare and now preschool 2-days a week. I really don't like to over-do activities and prefer to just have a lot of unstructured time.
However, some aspects of my daughter's personality are making me think I should enroll her in at least a weekly activity through the summer. She's doing swim lesson this spring, I was thinking maybe weekly soccer or dance class?
I did find some neat nature camps but they are week long camps and would involve a 40 minute drive each way.
my preference would be for an outdoor-based, physically active program. We will go to story time/playgroups at the library and get together with friends, and I'm pretty good about rhythms and routines that involve lots of outdoor time- but I think she'd benefit from an opportunity to be around a larger group of kids regularly, and from some scheduled physical activity.