Our two kids were with a nanny and then in daycare. In all that time, our nanny and our daycare teachers were never the first people to see our kids sit up, crawl, stand or walk. We managed to catch all of these firsts at home ourselves.

That seemed a little suspicious to me, so I compared notes with the other parents in the daycare. They said that the teachers never mentioned any milestones to them either! The odds of that happening must be 1,000,000:1!! I'm pretty sure that our nanny and our daycare teachers both saw plenty of milestones, but just never mentioned it to us... if so, I gotta say that's probably a smart way to minimize parenting guilt! I personally wouldn't care either way though.

Does your daycare/nanny/sitter tell you about milestones? Do you want to hear about them, or would you rather catch these "firsts" yourself - even if they're not true firsts?