Hey girls! This two week wait is really getting to me. We are coming up on our year mark for trying for a second little one. Our first was easy peasy so this has been a whirlwind of emotions!
I need advice, thoughts, stories.... I ovulated on CD 12 with positive OPK and left sided cramping. My OPK was positive for 2 days. On CD 18 (6 days later) I noticed pink spotting. Just for the heck of it I did and OPK and sure enough it was positive. I have now been spotting for SIX days, and each day my OPK has been positive. My spotting has been pink, brown, peach, and a little red with mucus. My boobs have been SUPER sore and tingly. I'm driving myself crazy trying to figure out what's going on with my body. Does anyone have a similar story? What was your outcome?
I'll do my best to post back when my two week wait is over too!