Okay, so since regular veggie/fruit purees was such a BUST, I decided to resort back to rice cereal since that's the go-to first that I thought I could just skip!

So I mixed some rice cereal and BM so it was super thin and tried to give it to Xander and he was just NOT interested. He looked disgusted and anytime I got any in his mouth, he just let it all dribble back out! I tried both Saturday and Sunday and he seemed to hate every second of it (although he didn't cry like when I offered him sweet potatoes...)

So.... do I just keep offering? Hubs wants us to actually give to him before nursing because that's what his sister did and he thinks he'll eat it if he's actually hungry, but I'm thinking if BM is enough to satisfy him, then we shouldn't push solids, but I don't know. What do you guys think? Xander's 6.5 months.