DS is 3 months old. Last Friday he started throwing up with every feed and we took him to the ER. At the ER he was treated for dehydration for a stomach bug. Fast forward to a week later and every time we go off Zofran he throws up. Our pediatrician suggested taking him off Similac Isomil and trying Alimentum. We are also running a bunch of tests. It seems like we are throwing everything at the wall and seeing what sticks.

On Isomil he was happy, sleeping well, and the only sign of allergy was eczema. Then the puking started. I'm all for switching if I felt it was needed but just guessing is different. We will really struggle covering the cost difference which is fine if it's what he truly needs. He's been on Alimentum for 48 hours and is pooping liquid, has a rash on his cheeks and tummy, and is spitting up constantly. What would you do?