I've never had mastitis before and I'm terrified to get it!! I've had plugged ducts but never mastitis... help me figure out if this is it!

Since yesterday my breasts have been very sore and tender. I noticed while pumping (at 3am) that my breasts weren't emptying very well. I haven't noticed any redness or large lumps but while massaging, I do notice some lumpiness in general, but very very deep inside. I took a hot shower and massaged, and nursed, and pumped and it still hurts. When I have let-down it is noticeably more painful. Both breasts hurt but my right one hurts a lot more than my left. And milk is still flowing from both.

I'm wondering if maybe my massaging and breast compressions while nursing and pumping (which I tend to be very aggressive about because I am.. wait for it.. terrified of getting mastitis!) has possibly bruised the tissue? Is that possible?

I don't think I have a fever but I am achy all over and very tired.

Any thoughts?? I'm gonna call the OBGYN tomorrow as soon as they open.