So my twins are 8 months old and we are still having issues with solids. We have finally found something DD likes (peaches) and can usually get her to eat things mixed with peaches (butternut squash, oatmeal, apple purée). Because it's peaches, she does fine and doesn't deal with any constipation issues (except with the apples, oh my gosh was that a bad night).

DS was having major constipation issues in the beginning. He would be up all night struggling to poop, in pain and crying. Once he pooped he'd settle down. We tried giving him pears and it wasn't any better. Our ped said we could try diluting pear or apple juice in some water and try that. That does help, but now it seems that he has an aversion to eating solids. He refuses to eat more than a bite or two of any purées I make. We've tried peaches, pears, butternut squash, sweet potato, oatmeal, avocado, and carrots. He did eat a couple bites of puréed green beans for the first time today. I don't know what that will do to his stomach tonight, though.

I'm curious about trying BLW weaning with him, as he seems to have a huge interest in what DH and I are eating and zero interest in purées. However, I have no idea how to go about BLW. The couple times I've given him little bites of things (avocado, steamed mushed peas, baked peach before I puréed it) he has gagged and projectile spit up. That doesn't seem to bode well for BLW? Also, would it be crazy to try more "advanced" things (pasta? Cheerios or puffs?) with him if he can't even tolerate puréed fruit and vegetables? I know 8 months is still early and it may just take him a while to get the hang of this, but in the meantime I feel guilty making all these purées for DD and DS cries and wants up in his high chair, but them cries and whines when I try to give him purées. I just don't want to leave him out? (#twinmomissues)

Anyway, I'm curious if anyone else's LOs had similar issues with solids and if/when/how you overcame it. Anyone switch from purées to BLW with success?