But we've been breastfeeding pretty consistently for the past 5 days. He nurses around 4am, then every 1.5-3.5 hours throughout the day. He gets a bottle of pumped milk or formula around 11pm-12am (DH has been feeding him this most night so that I can sleep from 9-4). It's usually formula because I hadn't been pumping at night and my supply had adjusted for that.

Sometimes I top him off during the day with some pumped milk or formula but most of the time he just nurses and is content. His wet and poopy diapers have been right where they should be.

I think I'm okay with this. It's far from what I envisioned when I was pregnant but I think we're in a good place.

He is going in for a weight check on Tuesday and I'm hopeful that he'll be in good shape with weight gain and we can continue on this path.