Lo is having a rough go of sleeping lately. She is 4 months old tomorrow and this week she's been waking up every 2.5-3 hours. Dh is working this whole week and won't be home until Sunday night. Last night was the worst: she is congested and had trouble breathing through her nose, so I got her up and let her sleep upright on my chest. Well, around 3:30 this morning, that wasn't even helping so we suctioned out her nose. Oh. My. Goodness. She hated it, I hated it, but she couldn't breathe otherwise. It was after 4 am before she calmed down after nursing. My alarm goes off at 5 am, so I just stayed up. I'm rocking about 3 hours. I can't wait for my first pumping break so I can take a quick nap or at least close my eyes.