Hellobee Boards


Its FINALLY baby day! No, for real this time!

  1. mrsjyw

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts

    @Danizaur: congratulations he's perfext!!!

  2. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    AHHHH congratulations!! He's gorgeous, absolutely love the hair! So glad you finally get to hold your little man!

  3. MrsScallop

    persimmon / 1328 posts

    Congrats!! He's adorable

  4. cheesetomywhine

    pear / 1586 posts

    Congratulations! He is perfect. Look at all that hair! Rest up mama!

  5. ALV91711

    pomelo / 5621 posts

    Congrats!! What a cutie. Love all his hair. Hope that you are both doing well.

  6. Running Elley

    coconut / 8681 posts

    He's SO cute! Congratulations!!

  7. singingbee

    pomelo / 5073 posts


  8. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts


  9. lovehoneybee

    GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts

    @Danizaur: Look at that cute face! And that hair!

    Happy birthday and welcome to the world Truett, and congratulations Mama!

  10. Pepper

    pomelo / 5820 posts

    Congrats!! He is adorable!

  11. kjpugs

    grapefruit / 4862 posts

    Oh my goodness. He may be the cutest newborn I've ever seen! (Don't tell my daughter that!! I just generally think newborn is lower on the cute scale and only increases exponentially. Pretty sure you are in for it then because he is already SOOOO RIDICULOUSLY CUTE!!!!!)

    Many many congrats!

  12. jhd

    coconut / 8079 posts

    Congratulations!!! He is gorgeous!

  13. Kimberlybee

    grapefruit / 4997 posts

    @Danizaur: Congratulations mama!!! He is just so cute and perfect. Gorgeous hair indeed.

  14. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Danizaur: he is so adorable! Congrats'

  15. teamjse

    nectarine / 2274 posts


  16. autumnlove

    hostess / wonderful watermelon / 39513 posts

    @Danizaur: congrats!

  17. lavender

    grapefruit / 4554 posts

    Congrats mama!

  18. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    He's beautiful!!! Congrats!!

  19. Purpledaisy

    nectarine / 2973 posts


  20. Dapple Grey

    clementine / 780 posts

    Wowwow! He is soo adorable! So glad hes finally here and healthy Congratulations to you and your husband--.enjoy parent hood

  21. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    Yay congrats I'm so glad you're finally getting to hold your baby. He's so cute and look at that hair

  22. MrsH

    honeydew / 7667 posts

    Congrats! Love all that hair!

  23. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    We'll worth the wait! What a beautiful baby! Congrats!

  24. Glitter

    persimmon / 1281 posts

    Congrats! Glad you both are OK!

  25. Mrs tartan

    kiwi / 656 posts

    Awww he is stunning, congratulations and well done honey you did wonderful

  26. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Danizaur: congrats, momma! Yay!

  27. mrs. bird

    bananas / 9628 posts


  28. SweetMamaM

    pear / 1743 posts

    What a cutie! And finally here!!

  29. lamariniere

    pineapple / 12566 posts


  30. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    Thank you all!! We are still doing good! Just trying to sleep as much as possible. He's a good sleeper. Having some Breastfeeding struggles but we both have a lot of learning to do.

  31. AmandaB8

    clementine / 849 posts

    Congrats! He's so handsome! Enjoy those long awaited baby snuggles!

  32. ElbieKay

    pomegranate / 3231 posts

    Thank goodness! What a long, protracted birth story! Congratulations and enjoy your hard-earned baby!!!

  33. Silva

    cantaloupe / 6017 posts

    @Danizaur: congratulations! He is beautiful! Your ability to know your body and make empowered decisions during labor is truely impressive.

  34. swedishfish

    GOLD / coconut / 8266 posts

    @Danizaur: congratulations!

  35. creativemomma15

    pear / 1610 posts

    Congrats! He is adorable and I love his name! I hope you continue to recover well!

  36. bushelandapeck

    pomelo / 5720 posts

    Congrats mama! He's so cute!!

  37. Bookish

    GOLD / cantaloupe / 6581 posts

    @Danizaur: aww precious!!! Congrats mama!

  38. jetsa

    grapefruit / 4663 posts

    Aww congrats, he's a cutie! The boards are so helpful on breastfeeding issues

  39. artsyfartsy

    cantaloupe / 6692 posts

    Thanks everyone! I'm 100% positive I made the right choice with my c section. It went very smoothly and I have no regrets!

  40. BabyBoecksMom

    GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts

    What a labor story! So glad the c section went well and you finally have him in your arms. Congrats!!

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