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IUI thread check in!

  1. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I'm still holding out hope for you! Hopefully it's just too early still!

  2. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @bluestriped bee: my FX are crossed for everyone!

  3. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    Tested again..... BFN! I have had my cry for the day, now to pray and move on to the next month. IUI number 3. I was just so sure this was it. All the labs, follicles, sperm, uterine lining, EVERYTHING! I'm at a loss but this month will be the same.... maybe 3rd time will be my charm.

  4. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @fotolori1: ((hugs)) x a million

  5. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @lindsayinny: Thank you. I am really bummed, but I have to just move on! Hoping for you to get your BFP this month!!!!

    @bluestripedbee: fingers crossed for you too!

  6. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @fotolori1: I'm sorry! Until AF shows for you, I've still got my FX for you!

  7. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @lazypanda: Thank you! I have a question... since you all are in the same infertility boat as me, has your RE recommended any special supplements you could take or anything to increase your chances? When we were trying naturally, I was told to take mucinex to thin out cervical mucus, but since that doesn't really play a part in an IUI, have you all got any suggestions that might help #3 be a success?

  8. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @fotolori1: my RE just said to maintain a healthy diet & lifestyle and continue taking prenatal vitamins. My acupuncturist has told me to include prenatal DHA as well to the prenatal multivitamin I'm already on. She has also recommended that I only eat warm food & drinking hot/warm water during the TWW.

  9. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Beta is done... now just wait for them to call me with the results.

    Oh, DH texted me, yesterday, asking if he could come along to the ultrasound today. Awww so cute!.... I then had to break it to him that today was just a blood test and that it would be pretty boring. He must be really anxious about today.

  10. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I hope it's good news for you!

  11. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @bluestriped bee:

  12. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    Test was negative. Onto IVF. We are seeing the doctor tomorrow so let's hope we can move quickly to IVF.

    I'm so sad to be moving on. I really hope that IUIs would work for us.

  13. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I'm so so sorry. I had really hoped this last IUI was going to work for you.

  14. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I'm so sorry. I know how difficult this journey has been for you. Big hugs and praying IVF brings you a baby!

  15. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @lazypanda: Did I read that correctly? NO COLD DRINKS IN THE TWW??? I don't know if I could do that!! Did they say why??

    @bluestripedbee: I am so sorry, I was so hopeful for you this month. I am kinda in the same... well a similar boat as you. AF showed up today, so we are on to IUI #3. I am scared at this point because there is NO way we could afford IVF. Whatever happened to just having sex with our husbands?? It isn't fair how easily it happens for others. (sorry, had to vent)

  16. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I'm sorry to hear about the bfn. Perhaps you & I will be IVF buddies.

    @fotolori1: she said that you want the body to concentrate on keeping the uterus nice & warm for the embryo to be comfortable. Drinking cold beverages or eating cold foods means your body will have to expend energy on warming up the foods that you've consumed. I've cheated here and there but will usually balance it out. Like I'll have warm water & sip that in between sips of my cold drink. Other thing she mentioned was keeping my neck, back & stomach covered to stay warm.

  17. winter_wonder

    persimmon / 1479 posts

    @bluestriped bee: I'm so sorry
    @fotolori1: feel free to vent, it's completely unfair and frustrating. I'm sorry.

  18. sweetooth

    nectarine / 2705 posts

    @fotolori1: Vent away - it's so hard when others can get pregnant so easily without treatment. And then when going through all of this still isn't a guarantee of your miracle. It's hard. Really hard. I'm going to keep thinking good thoughts for you that the 3rd time will be YOUR time. Are you changing any of the protocol for this next IUI?

    @bluestriped bee: I wrote on the IF thread, but I wanted to say again how sorry I am that IUI wasn't the answer for you and your husband. But I hope, SO much, that IVF is what brings you two your little miracle.

  19. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Adira: @marionberry: @fotolori1: @lazypanda: @winter_wonder: @sweetooth: Thank you. Good news is that I've had this cold that I got since Monday and yesterday I was finally able to take Nyquil. I was able to get some sleep finally. Guess I gotta stay positive. DH is taking it pretty hard again. Hoping talking to the RE this afternoon will give him hope again that we can get pregnant.

  20. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @bluestriped bee: Good luck this afternoon. Does your insurance cover IVF at all?

  21. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @Adira: Nope. They cover diagnostic tests like bloodwork, but that stuff is nothing compared to IVF costs. It's okay, we'll just have to take from our savings and it will probably delay us buying a house in the future because we were going to use this money for part of our down payment. The curveballs life throws us...

  22. Adira

    wonderful pomelo / 30692 posts

    @bluestriped bee: Ugh, that sucks. So unfair.

  23. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @bluestriped bee: ((hugs)) How did the RE talk go?

  24. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @LindsayInNY: sorry. My cold turned into bronchitis over the weekend. My appt went well I guess. They suggested we move to IVF, which is what I wanted to hear. What I didn't expect was the wait. I wanted to get pregnant like within the next two months but it looks like it won't happen until closer to the end of the year. It's for all the best. Just dealing with some jealousy at the moment. Why do I have to go for IVF and pay so much for a baby. Maybe this is a normal reaction when moving to IVF.

  25. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    Hello ladies, so I wrote in the IF check in thread, but I'll be trying 4 more IUI cycles before moving onto IVF. RE does think that I have a great shot with IUI since I did have a chemical pregnancy the first time. I'm hoping that the difference this time is the fact that I will be in acupuncture in conjunction with the fertility meds.

    I hope everyone is doing well!

  26. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @lazypanda: Will that be 5 IUIs total? Just out of curiosity, how is your IF insurance coverage? Does that influence your decision to continue with IUIs (aside from RE advice)?

  27. BSB

    hostess / wonderful apple seed / 16729 posts

    @lazypanda: Lots of luck to you with your next 4 IUIs. Let's hope you don't need to use all 4!

  28. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @LindsayInNY: This coming cycle will be my 3rd IUI. my insurance covers unlimited IUIs, meds for $10 each cycle, no copay for u/s or blood work. It definitely influences my decision as I just learned from the RE that their billable cost for each IUI is $2000 per cycle which includes meds & monitoring. RE said that IVF will be 15k out of pocket for each instance. The benefits of my job definitely weighs in on why I am finding it difficult to look for employment closer to home. I appreciate the insurance I have and I also know that my REs would not recommend for me to keep doing IUIs (despite having coverage for unlimited IUIs) since there are only so many times I can be on clomid. Even with injectables, I still have to be on clomid.

    @bluestriped bee: thanks! I'm hoping I don't have to use up the 4 tries, but like you, if I do, at least I know I've given my best shot. I'm also hoping that we will all get our BFPs before the end of the year!

  29. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @lazypanda: Ahh, gotcha! Makes sense. I know a friend needs 6 IUIs before her insurance will cover IVF (unless they have certain, specified issues - they list them out). My insurance does not have any prerequisite but we have a lifetime limit on how much IF treatment they will cover. I think it basically equals 1 round of IVF and some other stuff? I've only used $150 or so as of now which is either from the Clomid-only cycle or that plus the first IUI too, not sure. It's just interested insight from someone else because I don't know what we'll do. I know the odds go down quite a bit after 3 IUIs so we might move on at that point, if we get to that point? My RE has yet to mention the limit on Clomid even.

  30. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @lindsayinny: How did this cycle go for you? Is your tww over yet? I just finished this months clomid, so I will be going Monday for my Ultrasound/Estradiol level checked. This will be my 3rd cycle, but they think my first one wasn't a good cycle, so they recommend 2 more.

  31. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @fotolori1: I start Clomid again tonight on CD4. Hoping to miss Labor Day weekend for an IUI. We're not too far off from one another again! I go back Friday before the long weekend.

  32. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    I'd like to join this thread, if you will have me

    @lazypanda: Wow, I am officially jealous of your insurance coverage for IUIs! I would definitely be continuing to do IUIs in your position, especially since it did work for you once before. I hope one of these 4 upcoming ones does the trick for you!

    @fotolori1: Sending good thoughts for your appointment on Monday!

    @LindsayInNY: I hope the Clomid treats you well, without too many side effects. And that your cycle doesn't interfere with Labor Day weekend!

    I am on CD10 of my first IUI cycle back after our miscarriage in April, and trying hard not to stress, but of course it isn't working. Yesterday at my monitoring u/s my follicle sizes were looking on track with how they were the last time we did this in February, but they decided to test my E2 (they never tested last time) and it was quite low at only 73. They're having me continue my same dosage of stims and I go back in tomorrow for another check. Last time around I stimmed for 10 days to get the follies to the size they wanted and we got a BFP out of it, so I'm really hoping that my eggs are just slow responders and the E2 levels will catch up after a few more days of stims, because I know with that E2 level it would be a no-go for the IUI.

  33. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @Sprite: Welcome! I wish infertility treatment was a part of everyone's coverage. I don't complain when my co-pay & monthly premiums went up like some of my co-workers have because I know that what I'm paying out of pocket is nothing compared to those who have zero coverage in their policies. Which CD would you normally have your IUI in the past?

    @fotolori1: Good luck on Monday!

    @LindsayInNY: My RE said that they cap at 12 clomid cycles in a lifetime as research shows that the risk of cancer is significant for women who have used cloud more than 12 times. Since femara has only been used for infertility treatment for the last decade, there are no limits to the number of femara cycles at this time. I really hope none of us have to get to that point.

  34. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @lazypanda: I totally agree, it is a shame that IF coverage isn't a part of everyone's insurance coverage!

    To answer your question, last time around I had my IUI on CD15. This is cycle is only my 2nd IUI, but 3rd on injectables (1st cycle IUI was canceled due to poor response to the meds).

    But I guess I stressed for no reason last week. My E2 more than tripled in just two days at my appointment on Saturday. No idea how, but I guess it just needed to catch up to my follicle growth. I ended up doing one more night of stims Saturday, triggered last night, and IUI is scheduled for tomorrow morning (CD14). On Saturday my lining looked great, and I had two follies in the mature range (20.5mm and 17.35mm, my RE looks for at least 17+) and a couple more that might have caught up after the final dose of gonal-f (13.85mm and 13.5mm). Fingers crossed!

  35. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @sprite: Welcome!

    @lazypanda: Thank you! I had my day 13 ultrasound today and I had 2 good follies! In the left ovary, 23mm, and in the right, 16mm. They said that by the time I ovulate they will be bigger which is good. They will continue to grow until then. My estradiol level was 959 which the dr said was great! So I am scheduled for my IUI on Wednesday at 10am.

    I am just concerned sine this is my 3rd IUI that since I ovulate on my own on day 14 and since I am triggering tonight (day 13) they said I will ovulate 36 hours later. My concern is that I am ovulating on my own on day 14 and missing it having the IUI on day 15. I asked and they said that the clomid will lengthen my cycle. I am just afraid that I will keep having IUIs a day late. When I take an OPK, it will be positive because of the trigger shot, and we can't BD on day 13 and 14 because they said we needed to abstain for 3 days before! SOOOOO frustrating and confusing!

    Sorry.... this whole process has got me a little crazy!

  36. lazypanda

    kiwi / 636 posts

    @fotolori1: oh wow! Yay for having some great follicles! My RE actually has us BD the night of our trigger shot which is normally cd13, no BD on cd14 & then BD in the evening of cd15 (also IUI day). Hopefully your IUI works! Good luck on Wednesday!

  37. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @lazypanda: I wish we could BD tonight, but unfortunately I work night shift and I am at work. UGH! I am convinced that my schedule is one of the reasons we haven't gotten pregnant yet. We will definitely BD the night of the IUI! I REALLY want this cycle to work. I am running out of money!

    Best of luck to everyone!

  38. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @Sprite: Good luck in the morning! Looks like you had some good follicles!!! How exciting! We can be IUI buddies!! I am having mine on Wednesday morning! Fingers crossed that this is our month!

  39. Sprite

    kiwi / 693 posts

    @fotolori1: Yay for IUI buddies! And you've got some nice follies too. That is interesting they are doing your IUI on day 15 if you usually O on CD14. Although I think maybe the trigger will override your body's natural inclination to O on day 14.

    Sending you lots of good IUI luck and positive thoughts for tomorrow!

  40. fotolori1

    apricot / 386 posts

    @sprite: I called them today about it and she said that the clomid lengthens my cycles and that the hcg trigger is pretty accurate as far as causing ovulation around 36 hours. I asked them if I could have an ultrasound in the morning first before I do the IUI and make sure I hadn't missed ovulation. She said I can, have one, but that if there is nothing there, then we wouldn't know if I had JUST ovulated (shot will be 36 hours away) or if I had ovulated today. I am SO unsure what to do!

    Last cycle I started cramping around 30 hours or so after the shot pretty bad, so I assumed it was ovulation. I am hoping that I start cramping tonight sometime while I am at work and I will know. Then again... last month I didn't get pregnant. So who knows. I guess I will just see what happens and what they say in the morning.

    Did you have your IUI this morning??

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