cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@Chillybear: That's my plan too..probably Sunday. I feel so inexperienced on this side. I have done tons and tons of pregnancy/parenting/gear research but not much on TTC!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsTiz: Hang in there, it sounds like Sat/Sun is a good time to test.
AF is due tomorrow and I feel nothing. Usually I am hungry and starting to get crampy. We will see what the next 24 hours brings. I really don't think our timing of BD was good, but we will see.
pomegranate / 3032 posts
My temps shot up this morning again by like .5 degree i'm crossing my fingers they stay up this high.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
Just a quick update, tested yesterday at 13dpo (or at least what I think/thought was o) and BFN. My chart is not helping at all (and I'm not sure I trust my temps as in Hawaii were like, 4-5 hours behind what we are at home) so I guess I'll just wait it out awhile and see what happens! I'm not sure when AF would be set to show up so...who knows! Fingers crossed for everyone!
pomelo / 5000 posts
Still checking in, although the flurry of action has died down a bit. Good luck to those in waiting--peace be with you!
@Ms.JaneDoe: as I'm sitting here with frozen feet, I am very much jealous of your Hawaii trip. Oh, to feel that warm sun.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ms.janedoe: I totally understand about waiting. That is kinda where I am. Good luck in this limbo position. I think I won't be really concerned until the end of next week, but hopefully I get AF or a BFP before then!!
AF is due tomorrow and still no signs as of this afternoon.
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@Happygal: Haahah, I hear you! Back home they're dealing with windchills of -30!!! Brr...
@Thehistoryofus: Yepppp...I'll be thinkin' of you, lady. I'm (maybe?) 14dpo today and nothing...blaaah. So either I'll get a suuuuper late BFP (also suuuuper doubtful), a late AF (more plausible), or my O date was waaaaay off (super plausible). So confuuuused. Good luck, I'll be watchin' to see what happens for you!!!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ms.janedoe: thanks!!! I am really wishing I had a test in the house to see what's up. I think my odds are like yours with BFP being least likely.
pear / 1580 posts
@thehistoryofus No AF yet, I hope? Mine is due tomorrow, so I'm definitely holding my breath.
I have been oh-so-unwisely studying this pregnancy calendar that would tell me when my due date WOULD be, when I WOULD start to show, when I WOULD etc. etc. etc., and it's been making me daydream and obsess like crazy! I thought baby fever couldn't get any worse than it already was! Does anyone else do the same thing?
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ineebee: Still no AF here. I still don't really "feel" it coming which was my only symptom last time. However, its only day 24 of my cycle and I wouldn't mind getting back to a 28 day cycle.
As much as I want to test I have an interview tomorrow and don't want my mind elsewhere. I think I will wait until Saturday morning (CD28) if AF hasn't shown by then.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Ineebee: I did that one cycle. I actually looked at a due date club online and was all set to join. It made the disappointment deep.
@Thehistoryofus: good luck with your interview!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ineebee: Sorry, I didn't really answer your question. Yes I dream about that stuff! I think if we got a BFP this time we would be October due dates. I already have an August baby and I want #2 to have a different birthday month.
pear / 1580 posts
@happygal: I can totally see how that would happen. Yep, I'm officially going to stop looking at those calendars!
@thehistoryofus: Yes, good luck on your interview!! I think it's wise to wait to POAS until afterwards.
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
I POAS last night with a dollar store HPT, annnd it was invalid. I guess that is a sign I should wait a few more days.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsTiz: how annoying!!!
Ladies I was bad and couldn't hold back. I PoAS last night and it was negative. Maybe I'm getting back to 28 day cycles. I just don't feel like AF is coming any time soon. @ineebee: how are you holding out?@ms.janedoe: any update?
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@Happygal: @runnerd: No kidding! I'll probably retest Saturday or Sunday. I know I probably should wait until Wednesday but patience is not my strong suit.
@Thehistoryofus: No! I hope AF doesn't show, you aren't out until it does! How old is your LO?
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@Thehistoryofus: So frustrating! Well, it ain't over till the fat lady sings! And by fat lady, I mean AF. And by sings, I mean arrives Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@MrsTiz: my LO is almost 18 months. I've got a bit longer before I really want another one but now would be great timing. @anyonesays: thanks! It's an annoying wait for sure. As if the TWW wasn't bad enough being over due is worse!!
pomegranate / 3032 posts
9 DPO and i tested neg today... i'm hoping its just too early but i'm not very confident
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@Thehistoryofus: Ha, I can imagine! But hopefully being overdue is GOOD in this instance Aaack! Fingers crossed.
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Thehistoryofus: That's not bad! I don't think there is really a right or wrong time to test. It just depends on your personality.
But if you were predicted to be 9 dpo last Saturday, that would have made you 14 dpo last night, correct? I know you're relying on CM for charting now--did you also use an OPK?
pomegranate / 3045 posts
@Chillybear: I have heard of people testing negative up to 13 or so DPO. Don't give up hope!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Happygal: no opk this time just cm and estimation based on past cycle length. AF was due yesterday making me about 14 dpo.
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
@runnerd: 9 today! Although this is just guessing because I'm just guessing/using AF as a timer. AF is due on the 31st, so I have a few more days before then!
pomelo / 5000 posts
@Chillybear: okay, even though I said there is not a right or wrong time to test, 9 dpo is really early!
pomegranate / 3032 posts
I know its early, but we're having a happy hour for my coworkers last day... had to be sure. I had some weird medical stuff going on this month (yeast infection right before O, Cold sores this week) and we only BD'd once during fertile period... I'm just not getting my hopes up
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Chillybear: At least you can go out tonight and enjoy the evening!
pomegranate / 3032 posts
yup.... looking on the bright side of life with a glass of wine in my hand
pomegranate / 3160 posts
@Thehistoryofus: Blaaah. Tested yesterday at what would have been 15dpo...negative. No sign of AF yet so it's pretty obvious that my O date was wrong. I can't really rely on my temps this past week (travel, poor sleep, ridiculously off wake times) so who knows!!!
pear / 1580 posts
@Thehistoryofus: Ehh I'm holding out okay! I'm at 15 DPO today and my temp this morning was .7 above my cover line! No sign of AF...yet. But I still want to wait until at least tomorrow. DH is really uncomfy with using up lots of HPTs, so I'm trying to be good and wait. But so far so good! Hopefully we'll both have good news this weekend! How did your interview go, btw??
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@ineebee: Fingers Crossed for you this weekend!
I just finished with the interview. Its for an internal position that they are restructuring. I think it sounds like they are restructuring it with me in mind but it still could take some time.
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
@Chillybear: I tested at 9po last cycle and was a glaring BFN...2 days later a very clear BFP! Fingers crossed for you.
pomelo / 5132 posts
@Thehistoryofus: glad to hear the interview went well! 14DPO and no AF? Sounds good to me, lady!
@Chillybear: It's not over until AF rears her ugly head!
So, haven't gotten a +OPK at all, but today was the most negative if that makes sense, and I got a spike in temp today. Maybe I'm one of those gals that doesn't have a good LH surge for an OPK, and I still ovulated anyway? We'll see if I have three days of high temps. It'll be good to know I am ovulating, but we only BD'd once in the fertile window if this is when I did O (the day before O). Gah! So frustrating.
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Mrs. J: I m on CD25 though so it still may be early. Good lck to you too. Hope you have an O. BD the at before is great
cantaloupe / 6800 posts
I'm 9dpo today and got a BFN. Uhg. Feeling hopeless at this point. Maybe it's just not meant to be. At almost 10 months, I am beyond over all of this.
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