pea / 13 posts
My period came a few days ago so here I am again!
Current cycle day: 3
Ovulation date: January 13/14?
POAS/Usual cycle length: January 27/30-31 days
Cycles trying: 2nd
grapefruit / 4545 posts
Just popping in to wish you ladies well in January...I'll have all my fingers and toes crossed for many BFPs!
persimmon / 1408 posts
Also dropping in in to wish you fabulous ladies lots of sticky baby dust! I had my POAS in January last year after 15 months of trying! Just had my sweet baby girl in October! Fingers crossed for you all!!!
persimmon / 1436 posts
My first post! And also our first cycle TTC Very excited and hopeful and nervous and so, so glad to have found hellobee!
Current Cycle Day: 18
Ovulation Date: 12/27 (I think! As it was our first time trying, I haven't started with the OPKs yet)
POAS date/Usual Cycle Length: January 11th! Can't come soon enough!
Cycles trying: 1st cycle
BD timing: Several times over the few days I could feel that I was ovulating
Favorite Moment from 2012: Deciding to start TTC!
Resolutions for POAS: I will try my best not to get my hopes up too high, remembering that making a tiny little human being is a wondrous, and oftentimes, tricky thing!
Good luck to everyone!!!
nectarine / 2530 posts
@MamaMagpie: good luck and welcome!!
To all January POAS: sticky baby dust to you!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@futuremama: I brought a stick to work today. I missed my first morning but I may hold it for a while and hope for the best.
So ladies, POAS this morning or not???
I am on CD22 (normal 28 day cycle). Could be anywhere between 8-12DPO. Am I wasting a $1 just to see a BFN?
clementine / 854 posts
@Thehistoryofus: I'd probably wait. 8 dpo is early, and I hate BFNs. I had DH hide the Wondfos until Saturday
If you decide to give in, I hope you get some good news!
persimmon / 1388 posts
CD32. No BFP, no AF yet. So, onwards to January to finish out this cycle
Current Cycle Day: 32
Ovulation Date: FF hasn't given me crosshairs yet. I *may* have O'd on CD26. But who knows.
POAS date/Usual Cycle Length: Next time I'm POAS is going to be Saturday, Jan 5th.
Cycles trying: Still working on #1
BD timing: If I did O on CD26, then O-2. If I haven't O'd yet, we may be sh!t out of luck (we've been slacking on the BD lately).
Favorite Moment from 2012: Going to Vegas for our 1 year wedding anniversary.
Resolutions for POAS: I don't really have any. I guess to try not to symptom spot???
Here's my chart if anyone wants to take a look:
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@futuremama: BFN... I agree, its probably way too early and according to FF, we probably did not BD the right times. We are just starting in this journey again so I'm not too upset at this point. Was hoping for a surprise but at least I can celebrate tonight knowing I'm safe to drink .
apricot / 319 posts
So happy to join in with you all! Go get 'em, ladies!
Current Cycle Day: 25 (longish cycle due to nursing)
Ovulation Date: I'm 3dpo today!
POAS date: AF is due on Jan 9th so we'll put that down as my test date. However, I'm an early tester (not discouraged by BFNs), so I expect to be peeing on sticks before that.
Cycles trying: 3
BD timing: BDed day before and after O, but missed O day because I was super sicky with a nasty nasty cold.
Favorite Moment from 2012: Watching our daughter change from a blob of a newborn into a fiery little one year old.
Resolution for POAS: I won't test ridiculously (7dpo HA!) early this time around. 9dpo is totally game though.
honeydew / 7909 posts
futuremama: 1/4
Doxielove: 1/5
Thehistoryofus: 1/7
Marionberry: 1/9
LittleGBee: 1/9
everbee: 1/9
Ash: 1/10
MamaMagpie 1/11
fuzzypeaches: 1/12
char54: 1/13
mango.sprays: 1/14
Jennimac: 1/15
kentuckygirl: 1/15
Mrs. J: 1/19
runnerd: 1/23
MapleMoose: 1/24
Ms.janedoe: 1/25
Purple: 1/27
Mrs Spoon: 1/30
alie: 1/31
hostess / watermelon / 14932 posts
This thread makes me smile - I got my bfp last January 14! Good luck ladies!!
wonderful clementine / 24134 posts
@Ash: thanks. I guess my bfn yesterday makes sense because AF came today. I don't know where my normal 28 day cycles went?!? Why 22 days the past two months? I guess that means maybe I will have another chance before the end of Jan.
pear / 1743 posts
@Thehistoryofus: that's peculiar that your cycles are so short - I'll give you some of my long cycle juju for some of your short cycle juju and we can both even out?
pomegranate / 3580 posts
I'm still in the TWW for my current cycle, but thought I'd officially hop over from the December board since ill be POAS this week if AF doesn't show...
Current Cycle Day: 27
Ovulation Date: was 12/19 (will be 1/17 or 18 if BFN this cycle)
POAS date/Usual Cycle Length: I already did twice last weekend at 11 and 12 DPO, now waiting for a late AF to do it again. Usual cycle is 28-29 days. If BFN this cycle, I'll be POAS 1/31.
Cycles trying: 2
BD timing: EOD
Favorite Moment from 2012: deciding to TTC and moving closer to our families!
Resolutions for POAS: To stop symptom spotting and wait for AF to test.
Good luck everyone!!
pomelo / 5041 posts
@ash: can you move my POAS date to 1/7? That's when we go to the RE's for a blood test, so we should know that day. Thanks!
nectarine / 2522 posts
OK I'm moving over from the December board....I'm currently not knowing what the hell my body is doing....on the longest cycle of my life! blah!
Current Cycle Day: 55!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ovulation Date: no idea! There have been 3 points in this cycle where I though I have ovulated...
POAS date/Usual Cycle Length: was hovering around the 32 day mark but now I dunno!
Cycles trying: technically still the 5th
BD timing: sporadically link to the times I thought I was ovulating! When I got positive OPKS
Favorite Moment from 2012:Our wedding in Feb & honeymoon to Alaska in May.
Resolutions for POAS: Stop wasting money on multiple tests....if one says negative it means
So to sum that up I have no idea when I am due to POAS.....
kiwi / 633 posts
I'll be joining you ladies again this month!
Current Cycle Day: 23
Ovulation Date: Dec 27th?
POAS date/Usual Cycle Length: January 13th, cycle length varies
Cycles trying: NTNP #2
BD timing: Whenever we felt like it this time O-3, O-2
Favorite Moment from 2012: Our 2 week trip around France this summer.
Resolutions for POAS: Not make myself crazy testing daily from CD10 onward... I WILL wait until my recommended POAS date!
pomelo / 5000 posts
Hi everyone!
Current Cycle Day: 29--dropped temps mean I should get my period soon.
Ovulation Date: Not sure, but I'll say Jan 18th.
POAS date/Usual Cycle Length: 30-31 days. I'm going to wait until the very last day of the month to test if signs are pointing to a BFP.
Cycles trying: This will be our fourth.
BD timing: EOD, more during fertile window.
Favorite Moment from 2012: Engaged end of January, married in May. Whirlwind!
Resolutions for POAS: To stay positive!
pomegranate / 3032 posts
New Year, New Baby right?
Current Cycle Day: 1? I'm waiting for Aunt Flo's grand entrance
Ovulation Day: Jan 18th ish
POAS Date/Usual Cycle length: Lets go with 1/31 as my POAS date, I've been off BCP for 2 cycles and things are still working themselves out
Cycles Trying: this will be #3
BDtiming: hopefully good?
Favorite Moment from 2012: Finding out our permits were approved for our addition, New Orleans Trip, Births of 2 Nieces
Resolutions for POAS: drink more water, eat better, exercise more
bananas / 9229 posts
Current Cycle Day: 24
Ovulation Date: Not sure. I went off BC in December so not sure how long it'll take my body to regulate, if at all.
POAS date/Usual Cycle Length: See above
Cycles trying: This is the first!
BD timing: Tried for EOD but with the holidays and being with family, it was tough.
Favorite Moment from 2012: Starting a better job, traveling to the Gorge (Seattle-area), Tokyo, starting this TTC journey
Resolutions for POAS: Haven't POAS yet so no resolutions right now!
cherry / 199 posts
Happy New Year everyone!
Current Cycle Day: 17
Ovulation Date: 12/31/12 NYE baby! (temp jump on yesterday and stayed up today so just waiting for FF to confirm ovulation)
POAS date/Usual Cycle Length: Official POAS date is 1/14 but will likely test before that with Wondfos since I have a 50 pack of tests
Cycles trying: 3
BD timing: CD 9, 10, 12, 13, 14 and twice on CD 15.
Favorite Moment from 2012: Wedding and honeymoon to New Zealand!
Good luck!
cantaloupe / 6885 posts
Yay! Lots of new names on the board...hoping our BFP list boosts up too
I am having an amazing ski trip out west and it is helping (somewhat) take my mind off the 2ww.
My temps confirm I did O on cd16 and I'm hoping we BDed close enough to have a chance (with the traveling we were able to get O-5, O-3, O-2, O+1. Fingers crossed!
I ordered a watch that DH has been dropping not-so-subtle hints about for the past year and decided to give it to him when we get a BFP (thanks to @mrsblue for the idea!!!) . Amazon says it should be in on Jan 9th so that will be my first POAS date.
Hope you are all having a good week!
clementine / 950 posts
Zomg you guys, I am totally obsessed. I'm pretty sure out timing sucked (too much holiday eating and fatness to bd as much as necessary haha) but I can't get the thought of a Sept baby out of my mind! Please tell me I am not insane!
The unknown length of my cycle is also making me crazyyyy.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@char54: I love the watch idea! I'm not creative enough to come up with a fun idea to tell DH if and when I get KU. I'll probably come jump on the bed and wave my pee stick in his face LOL.
I'm hanging out at 9dpo. My LP has ranged between 8-11 days, so we'll see what happens these next few days!
pomelo / 5132 posts
@char54: great idea with the watch! I bought a Purdue onesie (DH's Alma mater) last cycle, and I am hoping to be able to take it out of the closet soon!
grapefruit / 4703 posts
I've been staying out of these threads lately because I'm working on getting my fertility tests done and my underactive thyroid figured out, so I don't have much hope. I'm probably going to start on Clomid in a cycle or two. However, months ago I did a silly Jenny Renny conception reading and she said this is my month, soooo, here goes.
Current Cycle Day: 21
Ovulation Date: I'm thinking today... I got an almost positive OPK yesterday, and I've had 4 days of EWCM, but my temp is still low.
POAS date/Usual Cycle Length: 1/14, if AF doesn't show up sooner. I have a LPD, so I hardly ever make it past 10dpo
Cycles trying: 10
BD timing: EOD, for the most part
Favorite Moment from 2012: Our vacation to Mexico in September!
persimmon / 1491 posts
i said i wasnt going to join the thread to keep things low key this month...but oh welll
Current Cycle Day CD13
Ovulation Day Expect it to be tomorrow OPK's are getting Darker...
POAS DAY Lets be real, i will probably start testing at 9/10DPO so that should be January 14th.
We/I am taking EPO this cycle, started CD 6 (i think) and will stop once i get a positive OPK.
BD Tming Currently every day because of fertile days...and will continue until Sunday.
Favorite Moment of 2012 The time i did get with my dad!!! With DH celebrating our 2nd anniversary in May...and a summer beach walk with DH and my family!!! I will treasure that forever!!!
persimmon / 1388 posts
So, I'm starting to spot. I'm not even sure I should consider it spotting, because it's almost like tinted creamy CM? Very, very light brown. Plus I'm very crampy. Annnnd my temps dipped today. I have a feeling AF will be here by tomorrow. Pretty bummed.
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
Good luck ladies!!!! Wishing you all lots of sticky baby dust!
pomegranate / 3580 posts
@doxielove Me too. I had a huge dip today (CD29) and unfortunately it aligns with the usual length of my cycle. I almost always start on Thursdays, too But we're not out until we're OUT
apricot / 319 posts
@futuremama: You're up tomorrow. How are you feeling!? Good luck and keep us posted!
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