grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: & @LabradorLover: I may or may not have used an easy@home when I got home this evening... Without much of a hold... Just so I wouldn't use a good test
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Sams Mom: don't feel bad! I had to force myself not to to waste a frer when I got home from target
grape / 86 posts
@dc yoga bee: thank you
@MamaBear87: Great will power! I got a negative 11DPO with my last pregnancy, and then a positive at 16DPO! I won't test before 12 DPO this cycle (if I can wait) !
@Dr. Pepper: Great numbers congratulations!
@Sams Mom: I can see a line! Fingers crossed!
pomegranate / 3904 posts
Just did my scan, the one on the left is 16.5, but the two on the right are still about the same size they were two days ago (she didn’t say what they are now, but they were about 13.5 and 15) so I’m assuming those aren’t going to release eggs? They are going to call me in a bit and tell me when to trigger.
nectarine / 2288 posts
I think I'm out temp went down again .2 yesterday and .2 today. Man I hate all of this. I'm trying really hard to just not care but I really want another little
nectarine / 2288 posts
@EmmaNZ: it's not really willpower. Seeing negative tests is worse than just waiting for af to show for me
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@LAZB: my big egg was 18.0 and the other ones were 13.0. They said they may release on their own but probably not. If you trigger, however, all mature eggs would release. They told me if the 13.0 ones pumped up to 15.0 they would be considered mature.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@MamaBear87: that is so hard, your heart wants another, I don’t know how to tell it to stop that. I really hope the temp drop doesn’t mean anything.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@dc yoga bee: now I’m supposed to go back Monday for another scan, so we will see!
nectarine / 2288 posts
@LAZB: I'm spotting now and feel crampy so I think af is on the way. I'm just so crushed. I had no spotting up to today, I've lost 15 pounds and have gone back to the gym. It's just so demoralizing. And now I won't take any of the fertility assist meds because they can cause anxiety. So if it doesn't happen naturally well only have one pity party for one over here today
nectarine / 2288 posts
I also seriously want to slap my friend. She's trying to be helpful but just keeps telling me that were trying too hard. All we have to do to get pregnant is stop trying
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Aria: and it took her a year of trying with both her kids so she really shouldn't say stuff like that. I feel like asking how do you get pregnant if you're not having sex?
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: o no! That sucks!
@LAZB: all it takes is 1! Fingers crossed it's this 1
Tested again this morning, not a thing on the cheapie. But getting negatives is easier than getting my period, because that confirms I'm out.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: yeaaaaaa, I'd tell her to blow me on that one. Obviously she has been on the waiting and the trying side of not getting pregnant as soon as you think you want a baby, yet still offers unsolicited unhelpful advice...
nectarine / 2431 posts
@MamaBear87: not helpful. I had a friend who kept saying that and I ended up just not talking to her about this stuff because it was so frustrating. When we were TTC, I did so much research about the connection between stress and fertility and there seems to be very little connection. I think it's great to minimize stress for the mom of course, but it's not like your uterus knows you want something really really badly.
nectarine / 2288 posts
@crazydoglady: love the meme
@crazydoglady: @Sams Mom: thanks ladies! I'm feeling better. Just needed to wallow for a bit, the ttc rollercoaster is the worst!
She's said all this before. Last time I bluntly said you need sperm up there to get pregnant so if we stop having sex how do you suggest we accomplish that? Made me feel better.
I usually don't talk to her about ttc but my friend that I usually do is dealing with her mom most likely dying and her husband got fired, so I can't exactly tell her oh I'm sad I'm not pregnant again.
It's been a rough month, but I'm not having panic attacks every day so it will all be alright
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: I totally get wallowing, I'm a wallower.
My TTC vent friend (who actually didn't have to try very long to get pregnant) is now on bed rest from preterm labor at just under 32 weeks... So I don't feel like I have room to bitch about not being pregnant yet.
PSA: I'm going to be extra needy on here for the next few months until she has her baby and comes back from leave.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@LAZB: what did they say about your dark opk? Did they test your LH? Mine was 64. Anything over 15 indicates ovulation on the way. I would BD anyways! We already had so I knew there was at least sperm there in case I had already ovulated.
pomegranate / 3904 posts
@dc yoga bee: no blood work, just the ultrasound. I guess my surge is just going to take a while this month. We have been bding anyway, so I’m sure we will be covered. I really hope I trigger Monday, because we are going on vacation for a week on Tuesday, and it will be hard to bd while we are there
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@LAZB: that happened to us! I didn’t get to trigger before vacation. Good luck!
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Sams Mom: be needy all you want! I so helps to have people that get it
nectarine / 2288 posts
Maybe don't complain about how your older kid wakes up the baby to the person who just told you they aren't pregnant again!
apricot / 301 posts
Just catching up...
@MamaBear87: I HATE comments like that! Really, really, not helpful or supportive.
@Kaohinani: I had no idea about your prev marriage and all, but thank you so much for being so open and sharing that experience with me. I'm sorry you went through that, but I'm glad you've come out stronger and happier on the other side.
@Sams Mom: I'm so bad a squinters, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!
AFM, my temp is still up, though on the low end. AF is due Tuesday. I feel totally normal. I think the IUI didn't work.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
Is it bad that my Google auto predicts that whatever I'm searching is followed by "a sign of early pregnancy?"
Just searched if hot flashes are, because this is freaking terrible
nectarine / 2288 posts
@Sams Mom: yuck! Hot flashes sound terrible. Are they?
My stupid fb feed is always full of infertility clinics so I think good auto adding isn't bad
nectarine / 2288 posts
@afc061018: i had literally zero symptoms until 6 or 7 weeks. Feeling normal doesn't make you out. Fingers crossed so hard!
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MamaBear87: the thing that frustrates me about them is you're sweating while doing nothing, and I hate being hot.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
So I know a lot of people hate blue dye, but I've never even had an evap on blue dye...
That being said, I am cautiously optimistic.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@dc yoga bee: my husband even thinks he sees one in real life and he usually thinks I'm crazy
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Sams Mom: I’ve never had an evap on a blue dye test either and only had a positive on a blue dye when I was actually pregnant with the second pregnancy. It was pretty faint too.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@dc yoga bee:
Now to make myself wait to use my other FRER tomorrow morning...
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