Hellobee Boards


June POAS: TTC 6+ Months

  1. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @LoveHope: I'm sorry you feel this way! It can be so tough, hang in there.

  2. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @LibbyLou: thanks. We are all in this together and it helps to know im not alone. My husband has been such a huge support for me.

  3. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @LoveHope: it's ironic, even in the same boat as everyone here, I still never know what to say when people are having a bad day. I know we all have them and all have varying degrees of it.
    I am also surrounded by pregnant friends- most trying for #2 who got KU right away. When I feel behind, sad, or angry I always remember that there aren't a set number of babies to bestowed this year. Someone else's isn't going to lessen our chances.
    Glad you have support!

  4. Mrs. Turtle

    blogger / pear / 1509 posts

    @LoveHope: I hate that feeling, and totally understand. A friend of mine was due yesterday with her first and isn't in labor but is 3 cm dilated, so they think it'll be any time. I'm so happy for her but so jealous. If I had gotten pregnant right when we started trying, I'd be due next month. So frustrating. I try to remind myself that I don't necessarily know what most people went through to conceive. Some I know had it really easy, but there are a lot of friend who I don't really know how hard it was for them. My cousin tried for nearly 3 years without telling anyone. We only talked about it when we realized we were both trying. That was two months before she got pregnant. If I hadn't known, I would've assumed it was easy for her too.

  5. Mrs. Turtle

    blogger / pear / 1509 posts

    I got my positive OPK this afternoon, so it looks like I'll be going in for my first IUI tomorrow afternoon! I'm so nervous and excited, and so happy I don't have to drive 5 hours to find someone who will do it for us! Yay for open minded midwives.

  6. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @2farmmoms: good luck!

  7. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @2farmmoms: Good Luck!

  8. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @2farmmoms: Yay!

  9. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @LoveHope: Don't feel guilty!! It's such a shitty situation, and your feelings are normal - be kind to yourself!

  10. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @2farmmoms: good luck!

  11. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @2farmmoms: Good luck! I've been traveling all week, so haven't been able to post.

    Also, have you heard of the in home insemination kit called the Stork? I ran across it somewhere and it looked interesting..

  12. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    @NorthStar: I heard of the Stork before we even started TTC (they do local radio ads?), and I just looked into it yesterday! The instructional video makes the whole process seem really convoluted, and I've read that the "conceptacle" condom DH has to wear is really uncomfortable. But I'm also desperate, so we might give it a try at some point!

  13. NorthStar

    pear / 1881 posts

    @ms.line: I read the instructions too and was completely confused! Seems like super involved, but if it's not too expensive, might be worth trying!

  14. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @auggiefrog: have you been doing anything to help you O earlier? Or has it just been happening?

    @HellOnHeels: FX you don't need the RE appt!

    @YogiRunner: a frosty drink can't hurt, and may only help! I completely understand being where we are at, though, and worried any little thing might impact it.

    @2farmmoms: good luck!

    @LoveHope: I totally understand. It hurts to hear pregnancy/birth announcements, feel whatever you need to feel. I'm so sorry AF started, but I hope you had a fun vacation.

    I'm on my phone and it's hard to respond- sorry if I missed anyone!

    I think I'm having an anovulatory cycle, and it's SO FREAKING FRUSTRATING. We had great timing, plus clomid. I haven't temped on clomid before, but I'm assuming it would still show a clear thermal shift? It's CD21, and my temps are still all over the place. I had a positive OPK ok CD16, and they have been negative ever since. I'm not quite sure what to do at this point... Especially since I need to do 7DPO bloodwork, I think I'll just pick a day and do it.

  15. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @Crystal: I started acupuncture the first month I O'd early. I'm not sure if it's the acupuncture, but I'm going to keep up with it just in case.

    My OPK's haven't darkened yet, I really really hope I O early again this month.

  16. ms.line

    pear / 1770 posts

    I finished my diagnostic cycle today! I've had CD3, AMH, LH surge and CD21 blood work, along with a viral screen, pelvic ultrasound, follicular ultrasound, and saline sonohystrogram all in one exhausting month. I have another consult with my RE next Monday, which I'm nervous as hell about. Then my husband has another SA on Thursday, and I have follow-up TSH labs on Friday now that I've been on levothyroxine for a bit. *big sigh* But for now, I will try to celebrate the small accomplishments and enjoy my weekend - hope you ladies do, too!

  17. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Crystal: that's really weird! Can you ask your doctor to get a progesterone test to see if you ovulated and missed it?

    @ms.line: so good to have a plan! Good luck!

  18. Mrs. Turtle

    blogger / pear / 1509 posts

    Thanks guys! Waiting for my IUI now! Yikes!

  19. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @Crystal: Big hugs! That really stinks.

  20. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    Okay, so this might be the most ridiculous question I ever ask. DH and I did bd late last night. Afterwards I just feel asleep. So this morning I took an opk (normal routine) and it was positive. While normally I would never think anything of it but with pcos ovulation doesn't come often. So I had a thought that maybe the sperm or some part of it had an influence on positive opk?

  21. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @AMommyThang: it does! I took a opk once after bd and it was positive. I didn't actually end up ovulating until a few days later when I got a 2nd positive opk. I couldn't find any research on it, but I'm sure it was the hormones from the sperm.

  22. AMommyThang

    cherry / 152 posts

    @MRSKRB .. well that sucks! Lol I was hopeful that it was real! I only ovulate once every couple of months and the timing was great. Oh well I'll keep testing and see what happens

  23. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    Does anyone take Maca supplements? I did a bit of research and looks like it may help but I also read where it can cause birth defects. Anyone know?

  24. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @LoveHope: I have been taking them, I haven't heard about the birth defects though. In any case, I've been taking them for several cycles on and off and am not pregnant yet. I might look this up and stop using them though.

  25. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @auggiefrog: I really love acupuncture! How are your OPKs coming along?

    @ms.line: wow! That's a lot! I hope you get to relax this weekend.

    @MrsKRB: yeah, I have to get CD21 bloodwork (which is really 7DPO) to check P levels. That's hard to do when you aren't sure if/when you ovulated! I think I'll go tomorrow and see what it says.

    @AmeliaBedilia: thanks for understanding! How are you doing?

  26. Mrs. Turtle

    blogger / pear / 1509 posts

    @Crystal: maybe you're already doing this, but have you thought about temping vaginally? I temped orally for the first 8 months or so that I was charting. I usually had a semi clear shift, enough to think I was probably ovulating, but it was really hard to tell for sure and I had a ton of ups and downs, even when I was super diligent about timing and everything. As soon as I started temping vaginally I had so much more consistency and a very obvious temp shift. It gave me a lot of piece of mind to see the charts look like they're supposed to, and really helped with the timing too!

  27. Mrs. Turtle

    blogger / pear / 1509 posts

    @NorthStar: I ran across the stork when I was researching. Ultimately I decided that it looked really complicated and that a cervical cup would work similarly and be much easier. My problem with both options is that I have a tilted uterus and my cervix sits way off to the right, so I have a hell of a time getting the cup to sit in the right place. Every time I've used one for insemination (we did about 50/50 cups and syringes, just to cover our bases) I've been skeptical that it is even over my cervix, and I've often lost some of the sample in the process. So frustrating. The syringe method was similar, in that I had a hard time finding my cervix so I could aim the syringe correctly. I've heard that with a "normal" uterus and cervix both work really well. But for me, the IUI was such a relief, having the professionals do it!

  28. auggiefrog

    kiwi / 631 posts

    @Crystal: They are getting darker. I expect to get a positive tonight or tomorrow at the very latest. How have you been doing? Any sign of O?

  29. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @2farmmoms: I temp orally. I've been thinking about trying it vaginally, you may have just convinced me to switch over!

    @auggiefrog: will that still be an early O for you? As of this morning, FF is showing that I Od on Tuesday. I'm not sure that's what happened- it would be late based on my + OPK and I didn't feel any normal O symptoms (cramps, etc.)

  30. Mrs. Turtle

    blogger / pear / 1509 posts

    @Crystal: oh you should. It made such a huge difference for me. It's a pain but it's quick and I figure in this journey everything one can do to make things easier and more clear is worth doing. There are so many things out of our control. I wish I could show you all my charts, you can obviously tell by looking at them when I switched. Fyi, I sleep with my mouth open sometimes but not all the time and I think that made oral temping especially inconsistent.

  31. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    We were out of town for the weekend- off the grid so I had no cell service! Just caught up with everyone. Good luck to all who are still waiting!
    I POAS before we left, 10dpo, I had tons of cramping over the weekend. Still no period yet. We are back to civilization but not home yet. Going to test again tonight. 13dpo. I usually start cd25-26 and today is 27. Happy thoughts for me, please!

  32. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    Well. We're home. Took another test...

  33. Mrs. Turtle

    blogger / pear / 1509 posts

    @LibbyLou: yay! Congrats! Best wishes to you!

  34. sslm

    cantaloupe / 6397 posts

    @LibbyLou: wohooo!!!!!

  35. LoveHope

    kiwi / 689 posts

    @LibbyLou: congrats! Exciting news!

  36. LibbyLou

    kiwi / 739 posts

    @2farmmoms: @lovehope @sslm

    Thank you!! I still can't believe it. It's been a long 13months! I'm still in disbelief
    Now some of you come join me!

  37. bloved

    persimmon / 1114 posts

    @LibbyLou: congrats!

  38. simplyfelicity

    cantaloupe / 6634 posts

    @LibbyLou: Congratulations!!!

  39. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @LibbyLou: congratulations!!!

  40. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @2farmmoms: have you noticed a higher temp when doing it vaginally over orally?

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