I work with a family who is trying to decide if they should redshirt their child. The child's birthday is two months from the cutoff but the cut off will be changing in two years to be before their birthday by a small margin. Academically and emotionally the child is ready, socially it is a bit of a toss up but there aren't behavioral issues mostly just shyness which is probably just a life long thing for this kid. In our town red shirting is crazy common which is a consideration too since it makes the age gap even bigger in some cases.

The choices are--
*Young 5's at the same place as preschool but the academics are minimal.
*Very pricey young 5's, same place as kindergarten, academics are good; it gets crazy pricey when you throw siblings into the mix or you are driving to two different preschools basically.
*Kindergarten with the intention of probably repeating the grade-- either in the target elementary school (public) or in the same school as current preschool (private)
*Kindergarten and then carry on as usual.

I don't want to give out too many details but I would love some feedback as what you might see as pros or cons to some of these to see if there is something we aren't considering. If they did two years of kindergarten they would tell the child in advance that just like some kids do 1 year or 2 years of preschool that some kids do 1 year or 2 years of kindergarten and then elaborate later. What would you pick? Is there an option we should just scratch?