will you share your TTC/pregnancy stories? what supplementary methods/medication were you put on or what worked for you?
i was diagnosed w/ PCOS in 2006 and was on birth control for about 2-3 years. i decided to come off BC after a while due to the mood swings (i had never cried so much in my life... haha) and not knowing the long term effects of BCP. i got married in 2009 and we've been NTNTC for almost two years now with no news... i told myself we should be fine once we were actually TTC but in the back of my head i couldn't shake this feeling that maybe something's wrong...
i know they say it's harder for ladies w/ PCOS to conceive, so i'm considering going ahead and TTC now in hopes that when it happens... well.. yay! i have an appointment next week with the doctor and well.. i just wanted to hear some of your stories if you'd be so kind to share i know there's been plenty of success stories amongst us PCOS ladies but i think the underlying fear that i may be infertile is scaring me from thinking i could be a mom in the future!