Have any of you dealt with lipase in your expressed milk? I have a chest freezer full of milk, but I dont' think I can use it at all. Several weeks ago I put my son on a frozen milk diet so I could start to use it before it went bad. He refused to drink it, gagged, made all kinds of expressions. I tasted it. Gagged. It was rancid, soapy, metallic, all the tell tale signs of excess lipase.

Now I'm not sure what to do. I make almost enough for his daily consumption, but what do I do with the frozen? I could offer it to another mother who can't produce milk, but if my own son won't drink the frozen, why would another baby drink it. I could donate it to a milk bank, but that requires me to undergo testing, and then I'm not sure they take milk that's pumped prior to testing. What do I do with it?????

As much as it sucks, I'm glad I didn't know the frozen milk tastes bad. Because if I'd known, I probably wouldn't have continued pumping for as long as I have.