After being checked, only being 1.5 cm dialated and 50% effaced on Friday, making an appointment for moday to do a legit external version my water decided to break at 5am yesterda and contractions started soon after. We went to the hospital since I was positive she was still breech and by the time they checked me at 6:30ish a.m. I was already a good 6 cm dialated and my cotractions were about 2 minutes apart and painful! Things got crazy there were tons of doctors and nurses hovered around me asking questions snd making me sign things. Then we sat there for a little while, I started crying because I was upset about being in pain for no reason since labor wasn't going to help a c-section and I was scared since everything was hapening so fast. Soon I was taken to the OR and they gave me the spinal block (I think) and that was the worst part of the whole thing since my back is tickleish so they had to try a few times because everytime he would start I would tense up and move. So again, I started crying because the doctor was obviously annoyed and I felt bad for not being able to hold still. Finally the nurse was able to hold me in a position that worked and as soon as it was done I was able to get control of my emotions and relax. They finished preping me, my husband came in and before I knew it they had already
started! He did a marvelous job distracting me but it was such a weird feeling when they took her out, from what I heard her feet were very much stuck in my pelvis and there was basically no chance of her ever turning. By 7:53 am little miss Lillian Marie Jill was born and it seemed like ages before I finally got to see her but they wrapped her up and placed her on my shoulder with my husband holding her there. They took her and dh out while they finished sewing me up then took me to the recovery room and brought lo to me for breastfeeding shortly after. She took to nursing like a champ and I was just in love with her all over again I didn't get up to move until 9 pm! And now I am finally allowed to get up on my own, surprisingly I feel great even though I basically didn't sleep last night since she wanted to eat
the whole time LOL! Anyways, here she is Photobucket