My husband and I have been married for over 5 years and have been not preventing pregnancy the whole time. We really started trying 3 years ago, and finally decided this past April to get medical help. Below is our journey, and so far no positive pregnancy tests.

Try #1
April 21 2015 Meet with Dr.
April 23 2015 Blood tests to check for causes of infertility- TSH-2.29 uIU/ML (0.36-3.74 is normal) Prolactin-10.6 NG/ML (2.8-29.2 normal) T4/Thyroxine- 0.9 NG/DL (0.8-1.5 NG.DL)
April 25 2015 Started period- fail

Try #2
May 2-6 2015 pills for April (Femara) oral meds cycle day 3-7 accidentally did days 1-4
May 14 2015 1040am Ultrasound to see how I am responding to the medicine- 1 follicle (they wanted to see 2-3)
May 16-17 2015 timed coitus
May 30 2015 Started period- fail

Try #3
June 1-5 2015 Femara 0930
June 12 2015 Ultrasound to see how I am responding to femara- only 1 follicle again…
June 14-15 2015 time coitus
June 28 2015 Started period- fail

Try #4
June 29 2015 appointment to do a pre-scan to make sure there are no cysts before starting injectable
June 30-July 6 2015 Follistim 75 each day- (7 days of shots) Cycle day 5-11
July 6 2015 0700 Bloodwork (estradiol level check- 404) 0910 Ultrasound to check my follicles- 4 follicles (R- 12.5, 11.5 L- 17.5, 12.5) At least 17 for mature (grows on average 1/2-1 per day)
July 7/8 2015 Ovidrel injection at midnight
July 9 2015 0730 collection of sperm 1000 IUI (intrauterine insemination) and coitus that night
July 12 2015 Progesterone- 1 pill am, 1 pill pm (vaginally…. REALLLY?)
July 23 2015 Negative test-start period (July 25)

Try #5 ALL NATURAL- taking a breather
Aug 8-9 2015 Ovulating- timed coitus
August 10 2015 Got answers- Husband has a 1% morphology
Aug 22 2015 Started Period

Try #6
August 25 2015 Dr Appointment 1400- Ultra sound to ensure no cysts before starting FSH
August 26- September 1 2015 Foll75 (3 days) Foll100 (4 days) Cycle day 5-11
August 31 2015 1130 Husband goes to freeze sperm since he might be out of town for IUI (he gets two vials)
September 1 2015 Blood work at 0630 (estradiol- 365) 0800 Ultrasound Rt Ovary-one 17.5 follicle and two 9.5 follicles (no good) they want to see 150-200 per mature follicle for estradiol level.
September 2 2015 Ovidrel 1130pm
September 3 2015 I felt like I was ovulating all day on the second, so we had sex today, just in case… later we found out it really does affect the sperm count.
September 4 2015 0730 Collection, 1040 IUI (using two vials of frozen (200,000 motile after the thaw) and fresh (1.2mil) - only one follicle was near 20
Sept 14, 16, 17, 18 2015 Home Pregnancy Test (Supposed to wait 16 days after ovidrel or 14 days after IUI) all four were negative.

Try #7 Sept 19- 21 2015 Period starts (officially on the 21st)
Sept 22 2015 Dr Appointment 1330 Ultra sound to make sure no cysts before starting FSH
Sept 25 2015- Oct 1 2015 Start Follistim 100 for 7 days
October 1 2015 0700 Blood draw (estradiol level-839- best so far) 0820 Ultra sound-Left ovary 18.5 follicle, 14 and 12 (may be good- giving one more day) and three 9's (no good). Lining looked good. This day they asked if we were willing to do selective reduction (we said no).
October 2 2015 Ovidrel between 8-10am (actually time 0845)
October 3 2015 0730 Collection and 1030 IUI.
October 5 (or 6) 2015 Start P4 (progesterone) until negative HPT or through first trimester
Currently awaiting and hoping that my higher E2 level is a good omen.