I have an almost 6 month old EBF baby girl whose weight has slowly fallen since birth. Around 3 months, she was only gaining about 2oz/week and also was refusing to take bottles. She started taking bottles when she went to daycare, but would refuse on Monday after nursing on weekends. I was constantly worried about her weight and if she got enough from the breast. She was jaundiced her first week of life and I had low supply so we supplemented the first 3 weeks of her life so I think I still have a little ptsd from those first weeks. Because of this, I decided to exclusively pump.

Now that I am exclusively pumping, I can see exactly how many oz she takes and its not a lot. She always takes in about 20oz a day. 22oz on a good day. I offer her at least 5, 4oz bottles a day (every 3 hours during the day). She usually leaves a little bit in her bottle. Her last bottle before bed may be between 4-6oz. I've tried feeding her closer to every 2 hours during the day (she refuses) and closer to every 4 hours. She mostly sleeps through the night. Her last feed is around 7pm and after not eating all night, will only drink 2-3oz at 7am! We've tried feeding her in the middle of the night, but she will only take in around 2oz, then her morning feed is a measly 1oz.

Now that we've started small amounts of solids, her intake has dropped even more. We offer her solids 1 or 2 times a day, about 1tbsp each time. Yesterday, she only drank 18-19oz! Should I be worried? Anyone else have a baby who doesnt drink?!

Birth weight 7lbz 3oz (52%)
6days old 6lbs 5oz (16%)
2 weeks 7lbs 0oz (21%)
1 month 8lbs 4oz (25%)
2 months 10lbs 5 oz (24%)
3 months 11lbz 4 oz (13%)
4 months 12lbs 10oz (17%)
5 months 13lbs 5oz (15%)