So I had a post last night about a clogged duct and spent the evening feeling feverish, achy, and with a warm compress on the area. I usually pump twice after my DS goes to bed (it's how I keep my supply up) and noticed that my supply on my affected side seemed lower than usual. Now today, the fever and aches are gone but DS is getting frustrated nursing on the side with the clogged duct. I have been starting him on that side in hopes that it will help clear the clog but he gets frustrated too quickly and won't wait for the letdown. I pumped on that side after I tried to feed him and got nothing, barely a few drops.
Is there a realistic way to recover my supply on that side or am I going to be stuck nursing one-sided for awhile? Or, is it time to start weaning awhile? (He is 11 months old and we have a chest freezer FULL of milk)
What would you do? (Sorry for the book, I am new to the clogged duct world!)