Anyone else experience periods of low supply, but then rebounded? DDs nursing habits over the past 4-5 days make me think I'm low. She's wanting to eat every hour or more and each time it's a pretty small amount. I literally can't hold her without her going for my shirt. Even if I can hold her off for a few hours I don't feel quite as full. Each feed I'm switching sides multiple times to try and get her more and she's clearly frustrated.
I had this happen once a few months ago and things got better after a few weeks, although I'm not sure if that was a fluke. It's possible that she's eating more often due to some sort of growth spurt, but I'm not sure. I'm trying to drink lots of water and I already eat a ton of oatmeal everyday, although I know there are other things like teas, cookies, etc. I could try. So: does your supply go through peaks and valleys? How many days of low supply before you'd worry or call a LC?