pomegranate / 3355 posts
Ok so I've posted like 3 times but my phone keep eating it....
Blood work was negative as I expected so we move onto our apt with RE tomorrow. We'll find out what he thinks we should do next.
I'm not sure exactly what I want to hear... but I do know I want to give it a go for a few more months.
Anyone who's done IUI.. did you have MF issue? Or no? We have no MF issues but I'm just wondering if they'll suggest we try IUI to make it "easier" for the sperms to meet the egg. Just wondering if anyone has done IUI when there was no MF issue.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Ajsmommy: the website has been having with posting for the past couple days. It's not just you! I'm so sorry about this cycle. We were going to do IUI this spring and our RE didn't think we had any MF. DH hadn't been tested though, that was next on our agenda. We were still going to do IUI though even if his tests all looked good, just to get the swimmers that much closer. Our RE just said that since we were already going to be doing Femera we might as well do the IUI as well (and TI too).
kiwi / 501 posts
@Ajsmommy: I'm sorry! Hoping you have a positive appointment tomorrow! We have no MF issues and my RE recommended IUI over TI. We still did TI, along with the IUI. With my O issues, IUI was the next, most aggressive choice. He recommends trying it 2-4 times before moving onto IVF. Hoping we don't have to go that route! Praying this time is my BFP!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
So we had our appt with the RE. The good news was that I am responding way better than they anticipated based on my numbers. They are happy to see that I get at least 4 good follies every cycle and said that means my ovaries still have some oomph in them (he literally said that LOL). The bad of course is that I am not KU'd.
He said that it could just be bad luck and that if we keep doing what we're doing then it will eventually happen OR it could be something else, something they can't test for. He said it could be that the sperm can't penetrate the egg or that I have something wrong with my tubes.. however I had the hsg and that was fine so I dont' think that's the issue.
Anyhow, he said we could try IUI if we think that the issue has just been bad luck.. but if we think there is other issues we should do IVF and if we do IVF that we might as well not even bother with IUI.
He then offered to print my actual predicted results based on my numbers of how successful IVF would be and the numbers were not good. He said he thought in reality it would be better bc I have responded so well. But the results showed that they only think I'd get 1-2 mature eggs at retrieval and less than a 25% chance that I'd get pregnant. However, that was just one cycle, IF we did it for THREE cycles (HELLO $$$) my chances go up to 55% to get pregnant. However that is mad money. Oh and he said that he though these numbers were low based on how I am responding. He said he thinks they'd get at least 6-8 mature eggs.....
DH and I think we'll try IUI and hope it works. If not our TTC journey will be over. I think RE said we could do it for 3 cycles and then meet with him again.
So I think that's where we are headed.
Sooooooo anyone have IUI success stories to share??? LOL
kiwi / 501 posts
@Ajsmommy: Sounds like a really good/emotional RE meeting! Hopefully, the IUI is all you need!! 3 times sounds about right. My RE said 4 was the max!
I'm praying to have an IUI success story next week! We will see!
Praying for all you ladies! Hope to hear from you soon!
cherry / 116 posts
Is this a squinty line I'm imagining? I think I am. I'm only 9 DPO. Idk
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Plainpistachio: eeeek! I see something for sure! It's quite dark at the top! Frer tomorrow!!
@Winnie13: how are you doing?! I hope that IUI was your answer!
@Ajsmommy: I think it's a good decision to do a few cycles of IUI! Are you starting this cycle?
cherry / 116 posts
I'm in such shock. I can't even decide what to do. I did the first response because I couldn't wait. There's no mistaking it, right?
kiwi / 501 posts
@Plainpistachio: That's a positive for sure!!! Yay!!! Congrats!!!
@delight: I'm doing good!! Thank you for asking! I having some side effects from the progesterone, but hoping it's all worth it in the end!! How are you feeling?? When do you get your first US?
cherry / 116 posts
Thanks guys. I'm thinking of you all. Hoping for your bfp's soon. I'm feeling a little sheepish as I came on here right at 6 months and then it happened right at 7. I was fully preparing myself for the road ahead. I just started acupuncture, Vitex, and progesterone cream (to lengthen my LP) and I slowed working out (because I'm a fitness instructor). The process makes you realize how out of your hands it all is. Now begin the worries of other things that can happen! One of you is next!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
Sorry for being MIA this week, I needed a small break.
@MrsDragon: it seems like things like to get wacky on us every once in awhile!
@delight: thank you. ️
@Ajsmommy: I've heard IUI can help with getting sperm and egg to meet regardless of MFI. It can't hurt, right? I'm so sorry you got a BFN.
@Winnie13: only a few more days til you test! How are you feeling?
@Plainpistachio: congrats!
kiwi / 501 posts
@Crystal: it's so good to hear from you! I completely understand about needing a break. Sometimes, this can all be too much and too overwhelming! I'm praying for you friend! Have you found a new doc yet?
I'm feeling pretty good! I have some progesterone side effects, but nothing God can't get me through! I'm just praying the progesterone lengthens my cycle! That's step 1!
Today is 7DPIUI and 9DPT. I think the trigger will be out of my system by tomorrow. I got a VFP!! Hoping to start testing Monday!!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Winnie13: ahhhh my scan is in 2 hours! I am alternating between waves of nausea and excitement. Hope you see a positive early next week!
kiwi / 501 posts
@delight: Woo!!! Prayers it goes great!!! Praying for a healthy little bean!!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@Winnie13: hoping for a BFP!! excited for you!
@delight: oh no!! I'm so very sorry! hugs!!!! Is there any explanation they can give
kiwi / 501 posts
@delight: oh, no!! I'm so very sorry! I'm sending you big, big hugs!! Praying for you right now!! Praying for peace and comfort!! Hopefully you can take the day off and rest this weekend!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@delight: oh my goodness, I am so so sorry to hear this!!! What did the dr say?
@Winnie13: did you end up testing? Thanks for the prayers! ️
Dh and I are gearing up for the BD marathon that will commence this week. Should O Saturday.
persimmon / 1388 posts
Sorry for the silence. I've had no energy to post.
@Plainpistachio: Congrats!
@delight: I'm so very sorry
@Winnie13: Well?? Did you test??
@Ajsmommy: No MFI over here. I obviously don't have an IUI success story, but the logic my doctor presented to me was that doing IUI just gets everything closer to where it needs to be. It doesn't substantially increase your odds, per se, but if there are any other issues (like cervical mucous or lack thereof...) it can bypass that. I guess it depends on how much $$ multiple IUI's will add up to for you. If doing, say, 3 IUI's is close enough cost-wise to 1 round of IVF, maybe IVF is the smarter option? IUI for us was under $400 a pop (vs $12K+ for IVF), so choosing IUI was a no-brainer. Good luck!! These decisions suck!
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@doxielove: thanks for your input!! Our iui's are $1600. One round of ivf is $12k plus $6-$10k meds.....so for us IUI will be it. I just can't commit to ivf when there's such a low chance it'll work. If it was a 75% chance I might have a different opinion.
How many iui's will you do?
kiwi / 739 posts
@Ajsmommy: jumping in but I understand you on the ivf. I have paid over $2000 already and haven't even had a chance to be pregnant. That was ALL testing. I don't think we can commit to ivf either and IUI isn't the right fit for me bc of a blocked tube. So it's either wait and hope to get the good side or stop trying. (Or save for ivf).
I had a friend who got ku on round 3 of IUI.
pomelo / 5326 posts
@Crystal: thanks. Such a bummer, I was really hopeful. He just said to come back in two weeks and we will see where we are. Said that the early scans can be off by a week. Honestly he did my scan in like two seconds. I think I was in and out of the ultrasound room in a couple minutes. I wish he had looked around more. I have a very tilted uterus so maybe everything is hard to see. Maybe I'm just trying to give myself some hope though. In two weeks I'll be at nearly 9w so we should definitely know for sure then. The wait is brutal though. I can't sleep.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Ajsmommy: Oh I hear you. IUI is/was as far as we can afford to go right now. I'm 28...maybe one day in the future we'll have saved up enough to pursue IVF? (or, be lucky enough to have insurance coverage for IF!?!?). Our initial plan was to do 3 IUIs. DH really isn't comfortable to do a 3rd, so we stopped at 2.
pomegranate / 3355 posts
@doxielove: ah yes, I remember you posted that earlier. I am feeling ambivalent towards our first iui. I really want to believe that I can work but part of me feels like we're just wasting money. Idk, this whole thing is so tough.
@LibbyLou: I really hope you can get an egg from your good side!! are they going to monitor you at all to let you know when you do have a good follicle on that side?
kiwi / 636 posts
@delight: de-lurking to say good luck! My first scan after getting my positive was also of an empty sac. I was devastated & so worried (IF does that to you), even the pregnancy itself was full of anxiety & worry until I was well into the 2nd trimester! My empty sac should have been of a beating little one at my first scan but she was just a little late bloomer. I was kept on progesterone suppositories throughout the first trimester. At my f/u scan the following week, it was the best feeling to hear the little heart beat. LO ended up measuring a week off from what the RE's original EDD would have been. ️
I do hope all of the ladies on here do get their take home babies.
kiwi / 501 posts
@doxielove: it's so good to hear from you!! Where are you at in your next cycle!!
@Crystal: Hope you get to enjoy some of it!! A lot of times we just BD for pure business!! No romance!
12 DPT and it's still in my system!! Still hasn't tested out!!! Lines are super, duper light!! I'm 10DPIUI and I'm waiting until Thursday to test!! That's when I'll pull out the FRER!!! Praying!!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Winnie13: With my first I didn't test out my trigger but I tested at 10dpiui and had a super squinter, I didn't know if it was trigger or not. I tested almost every day after (until my beta) and it kept getting darker! Good luck!!!
kiwi / 501 posts
@KT326: You are giving me some hope girl!!! Thank you!!! Have you tested yet???
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Winnie13: I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you! My beta came back negative. We are moving on to our next IUI and my RE is increasing my Follistim dosage. Hopefully this next one works!
pomelo / 5326 posts
@lazypanda: ahhh thanks so much for sharing your story with me!! I have read lots of positive stories and really, that's all that is getting me through this torturous wait. Only 10 more days until my next scan. I am so glad everything worked out for you!! I pray I hear a heartbeat at my next scan. Thanks for sending some hope my way
@Winnie13: good luck! You are always such a positive poster and cheerleader around here. I hope this is your month!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@delight: Delurking to ask if there is an elective ultrasound facility near you? There is one in my town that will do a heartbeat scan at 8 weeks. I ended up not going because I got an ultrasound when I was in the hospital, but maybe it would be good for you?
pomelo / 5326 posts
@avivoca: I am not sure. We have the 3D imagine ones around here but I think those are for 20 weeks but I'll look them up. I know my doc's policy is 2 weeks between scans at this stage. He said if I start bleeding I can come in sooner. I wish I had just not done a scan until 8-9 weeks in the first place but it's so hard to wait. Thanks for checking in.
ETA: it looks like it's just the 3D image places for elective scans. Otherwise I need a doctor's requisition.
kiwi / 501 posts
@KT326: I'm sorry girl!!! I will be keeping you in my prayers! Hoping the adjustment in your meds is exactly what you need and you get your sticky lil' bean!!!
kiwi / 501 posts
@delight: Oh, thank you so much!! That means a lot! I am sincerely praying for you!! I'm praying God gives you a miracle!!
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