I've been EPing dd since she was born almost 3 weeks ago. This morning I woke up very sore and engorged (strange since I've been dealing with low supply but I guess the domparadon and power pumping sessions finally caught up to me)

I pumped all day but the pain just got worse. By 5pm I was shaking uncontrollably with a fever that kept climbing. I could barely walk and felt the worst I have felt in a long long time. Dh took me to a walk in clinic where they gave me antibiotics and said its likely mastitis.

After an evening of pure hell, pumping every 2 hours while sick is zero fun, I am feeling mildly better, enough to write this post and seek advice:

My questions are:
1. How often should I pump if I want to continue pumping after this is all over? Will pumping every 2 hours not signal to my breasts to make more milk, aggravating the problem?

2. How often should I pump if I want to quit and switch to formula after this is over? I'm undecided at the moment and the pain may be clouding my decision making skills. I wish I could quit cold turkey at this very moment but the dr said that would make it worse and I have to pump through it

3. How long until I feel like a normal person again?

4. I've been pumping every 2 hours throughout the evening
And feel mildly better. Can I stretch it to 3 hrs at night? I need sleep so very badly.

Thanks in advance...any other hints or tips is also greatly appreciated!