I was in love with our daycare till about 2 months ago, when LOs favorite teacher left and he has since stopped napping at daycare. He naps at home on the weekends, 3 naps, 2 long naps and one 40 minute. I gave a nap/feeding schedule to our daycare (similar to what we use on the weekend) and he has gone from 0 naps to 2 naps that are 15 minutes long. I'm starting to think that daycare isn't the best option for him. I'd be fine with him not napping but when I pick him up after work, he either sleeps until we put him to bed or screams like crazy unless he's being held. I have a very stressful job and it's about to get more stressful with busy season (i'm in the tax field) and I don't think I can handle this. Did you have an instance where daycare didn't work for your LO and you had to find another route?