I'm having an increasingly hard time feeding LO (12 months). She's always been a slooowww eater and not a fan of any proteins (meats, cheeses, eggs). I've had success making pieces really small and mixing them with other stuff. But now, she is even spitting out ground meat (ground on the finest setting). And she is also refusing things she loved before! I would chalk it up to picky eating, BUT most of the time she won't even let anything get in her mouth before she has swatted my hand away or thrown it on the floor!
Sometimes she will eat a new item or something she likes (3-4 bites) and then stop. She'll purse her lips together really tight and/or swat and block my hands from feeding her.
The ped is already concerned that her weight percentile keeps dropping and told me to keep feeding her, even if it does take 2 hrs at a time. It could be teething, but what to do if that is the case? Just not feed her?
I keep buying more and more foods to try and if she likes something one meal - I think I've found something - maybe next meal or tomorrow she doesn't want it anymore. Even her favorite tried and true foods aren't working anymore.
My fridge is getting over-packed. My floors and clothes are covered with food every feeding. What to do?